Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

Yey 4t Chri t comming. 57 forth, thedorineof his grace, the name ofhis wifedome, in opening his fathers counf:ll ; the name of his merit, i purchafing mans falvation ; the name of his mercy, in par- doning mans finne ; the name of his righteoufneffe, in juflt- Lyingmans foule ; the nameof his love,in embracing and fo- lacingmans heart ; this is an oyntment powred out, this in the preachingof the Gofpell cafteth a fvveet favour, as oynt- ment Both in the powring forth, as the breaking of theboxe of oyntment in the Gofpell, and powring it upon Chriils head, filled thehoufè with the m favour thereof : fo the ope- 773 Mir. t4.;. ningof Chrift in the Gofpell, giveth a fweet favour to the Ioh. i 2.3. hearts of all Chriftians. The true receivers of' Chrift find a very fweet, and bleffd, a very gracious and foule-refrefhing tarte in Guilt. And as we profeffe our felves to be fchollers in Chrifts Ioy in Chrifts fchoole, fervants in Chrifksfamily, members in Chriflsbody., COMM d.b per. fubjeets, friends, and Spoufe ofChrift ; fo let us rejoyce in the comming of Chrift in his Gofpell, as a traveller rejoyceth in the commingof the Sunne to guidehim, as the fubiett re- joyceth in the comming of the King to honour him, as the captive rejoyceth in the comming of the ranfomer to free him, as the ficke rejoyceth in the comming of the Phyfitian to cure him, as the childe rejoyceth in the commingof the nurfe to feed him, and as the bride rejoyceth in the comming of the bridegroome to marry her : In him let us rejoyce, as in the Sun enlighteningus, as in the friend folacing us, as in the fbield defendingus, as in theKing honouring us, as in the treafureenriching us, as in the level! adorning us, as in the fotrntaine filling us, and as in theparadife of our molt choife and everlafting pleafures ; and in the joyof our foules let us fay , Bleed be he that commeth in the name of the Lord. CHAP