Advancement of C'F.rif}:t Gm,+T®ß Kingdom delved, rt zSam0.17. Welfare and exaltation of Chrift and his kingdoms de- fired. CHAP, VIE. DLivid did not onely rejoyce in the Arke , and dance before it in tefaimony of his joy , but did alfo ere and fet it up in the midit of the Tabernacle : Every man that doth indeed rejoyce in Chrift, e4ery man to whom Chrift is truly welcome, doth delre and endeavour the ex- altation of Chrift, the Petting up of Chrifts kingdome, the welfare of Chrift and his Gofpell ; therefore the p o le here fay, Blefed is he that commeth in the name of the Lord; not only by way of exaltation and rejoycing inChrifls com- ming, butalfo by wayofexoptation and wel-wifhing, hear- tily defring the welfare and profperity of Chrift, his king- dome, and Gofpell, BlejJed be he ; furnifhed be he, with the greateft and choifeft'wifedome, ri2,hteoufneffe, prudence, mercy, power , fortitude, and courage for the adminiftra- tion of' his kingdome and people; fuccefefull be he, in the promuleation and preaching ofhis Gofpell , in the guberna- tion of his Church and children, in the diffipation of all ad- verfary powers ; victorious be he in the fubjugation and conqueft of his enemies ; glorious be he in the converfon of fanners, in the multiplication and increafe of' his holy and loyall fubjeds ; beautifull and amiable be he in the eyes of all perlons ; Let his Gofpell Thine like the Sun from the one end of-,heaven unto the other ; Let his name be as an oyntment powred out, cafting a fweet fmell throughout this great houle of the world ; to him let all the Kings and kingdomes of the earth vaile and ftcop , become truly obedient and fubjee4. This is the prayer, delre, and endea- vour of all that rejoyce in Chrift aright, teaching us, That, It is the duty of a!l people unfainedly to defrre, and earnefily to tir