Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

Welfare ofÇlo tfle defsredandendeavoured. gers (hall build up thy orals, become members in thy houfe, and fellow-helpers in thy worke , and their Kings (hall mi- nifier unto thee, (hall ferve, Chrift and labour the we;fare of his Church and kingdome. The glory of Lebanon Ail come to thee, there is nothing fo excellent which íhall not put it felfe under Chrift, and be made..ferviceable to his Gofpell. and kingdorne ; and thus our Saviour taught his Difciples to pray, that (Jods kngdome might come, that the Gofpell might be preached, and men filled with the light thereof; As the aire is filled with light upon the corn- min; of the Sunne; that the Holy-Ghoft might be powred out, and the hearts of men infpired with the knowledge, love and obedience of the truth ; that all the lufis of men, the impediments of Gods gracious kingdorne in the foule of man might be crucified , and utterly extina ; and that God might univerfally, fpiritually, and fully reigne in the hearts of men, all the weapons oftheir rebellion laid afide, and their foules brought into a gracious fubjedion ; and it is the Apoftles charge, pray that the word of the Lordmay U run , have a free and a fpeedie paffage ,. running as the Sun,fhining to all the corners of the world , and running as the rivers, to water the earth, andbe glorifiedby the pure and powerfull preaching of it, by the holy and gracious working of it , by the ready and cheerfull entertainment of it, and by the holy and humble fubjedion of the foules of men under it : Mans obedience makes the word very glorious, and the free and fpeedy, paffage, and power- full working of the Gofpell , fhould be earneftly prayed for by the Lords people ; this is thecharet on which Chrift rideth in fpirituall triumph ; this is the fcepter by which he fwayeth in the foules of his chofen,,and the welfareof this doe all the friends and welwifhers of Chrift muchde- fire, and with great earneftneffe endeavour, w gird thy fword upon thy th.igh(faith the Pfalmiflt in the perfon of the faith- full unto Chrif})0 mei mighty, thew thy felfe in thy word aryl Cofpell like a mighty man of warte , fully armed, to mortifie the lufls, to humble the foules, and to bring into fubjeftiou all the.thoughts of' thy fervants, and doe this in X3. t Mat, ö, io. w PCa1.4;.3.