Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

7o c Mat, t s..; o. dRev.3.s6. z.Oppofers of Gofpell z Sam.3. t. d.Luk. ¡g.14. ePfal.i.z. Grounds of oppofing the Gofpell, Ggell oppofed, rrosmds of it, and his Gofpell: Such men are halting Ifraelites, and luke warme Laodiceans, void of all true love to Chrill, and far . from all Chrifiian zeale for Chrift. Solo" reputed him no good citizen , who in a civill diff°nfion rifen in the City did adhere to neither party c Such as cleave not to Chrift and the Gofpell in the diflention and oppoGtion of the world are no true citizens ofthenewJ.erufalem. He that n nor withme it againft me(faith Chrift):he ftiat {lands not onChrifts fide f}ands on Satans fide, he that ferves not God ferves Mammon, he that bath not communion with Chrift, bath communion with the world. Chrift lookes upon all fuch as are not zealous for him, as on enemies againft him, and he will flew them ont of his mouth at laft as foule abomina- tion. 2. A fecond fort, are fuch ae oppofe Chrifb gold and. Kingdome. The houfe of Saul made long war againft the houfe of Arvid. There is a family of prophane Saulites, that make d continuall' oppoGtion againft the Gofpell and Kingdome ofChrift,, they will not have ChriJi ruleover them,.. they take counfell againff. the Lord wed his Chri.fë , and fay, come let us breake their bonds afunder,.and caftaway their cords from us. Some are frsperfütione, and as thePhiliftines would not fuffer the Arke to Rand upon the right hand of their Dagon, no more will they fuffer Chrift and the Gof- pell to have preheminence above their traditions and devi fes , Tome are covetous, and as jeffe fet David behind the ewes, fo doe thefe men feu Chrift and his word behind the world, below their earthly employments, and undertakings;. fume are ambitious, and as `}ofphs brethren confpired againft him, becaufe they were loth to vaile and bow to him. Thus proud men confpire and combine again{} Chrift and the Gofpell; being loth to deny, and humble themfelves, and put their necks under. Chrifts yoke ; force are under the power of prophanenefJe ;, with Ahab they fell themfelves to commit wickedneffe, they are impatient of reproofe, and therefore imprifon the Prophet of the Lord ; Chrift comming in the power of his Gofpell is very: uncomforta. ble, and, terrible to fuchas are under the powerof their cor ruption ;