griefeat prof jerity ofCofpola greatevil!, ruption ; fome are prophanely iealour, leafl the Petting up of Guilt and his Kingdome will crofle their profit, and . clipfe their honour and credit amongft men ; and therefore they feeke toIiipprellè the Gofpell,as 1Smlfought to fupprefle Da.. fi Sauars.a9 vid : ibis moved g Demetrius to accufe Ala, and this caufed & 19.1. Herodfecretly to plot the death ofChrifl.Chrifl and hisGof- g A& i9 pell have evermet withmany oppoGtions from the world, b Manz 3. A third fort, are inch eu grieve at the pro.,fieriy. and 3 Grr's Welfare of the Gofjell and . Kingdome of Chrift. When Nehe- protperieveiryoat f miab came to repaire the wals of Jerufalem, Sanballat the t holPtlo. Horonite, and Tobiah the Ammonite grieved i exceedingly that there was a man come to /eke the Welfare of the chil- dren ofIfrael. It is a great griefe to many ill affected men, that beare evill will to Sion, to heare that God raifeth up any to repaire and build up Chrifls Churchand Kingdome, to feeke the fpirituall welfare of his children. ThePfalmift having mentioned and Pet forth the felicity andprofperity of the faithfull fervants of God : In the multiplication of their feed, in the increafe of their wealth, in the Lords dif- penfation of joy in heavineffe, of fafety in dangers, of de- liverance in diflreflès, of exaltation after all oppoGtions to Gods Church and children ; concludes thus, The k wicked fhall fee it and be grieved , he fhall gnash With his tce'h, and melt away, the delre of the wicked 'hall perifb. Wicked men are more grieved at good mens profperity, then at their owne mifery. It is a fire argument of raigmng pro- phaneneffa to forrow for the welfare of the righteous. All 1 Haman. honours and preferments availe him nothitig.while t Hcfl, s r;, he fees (Mordecai fitting in the gate. Wicked men often lofe the comfort cfall their owne earthly fulneffe, whiles they behold the profperity and welfare of Gcds Church and righteous fervants : The exaltation of Chi ills King-- dome , and flourifhing of the Gofpell doth fill forne men with fuch vexation, that all their wealth, honours, and high places feeme to them as nothing : No doubt it much trroubled the Philiftines to fee themAr1¿e ofthe Lord !<and upright, and Dagon broken to a (lump, 1 t is a great trou- ble to many people to fee the Kingdome of Chrift hand, I 4 and ---------- . 71 H Praia IMO. mr Sam, f4.5.