Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

The Epiffle to the Reader. ous k Trairours: to their heavenly Prince, the truth, the * Isproditoreft caufeandChurchofChrift : The very of firing of Ju- das. Shamefuil expofers of themf 'ves to the /corne' proruncia,raut and hatred ofall men, both good and had : it happening nora jucienter unto thefe middle men, as to them'who dwell in the*middle I earn defend}t. i hryfoít. roomes of f me high building; as they are fmoaked and * Arittoceles (motheredby them that dwell under them, and polluted; de mediir, with ¡lime andfilthfrom them that dwell over them; fo fmoake andfinother, difgrace and Marne is the portion of filch neutralizing and middlepeople : they that cleave heartily to neither fide, arejufily fnJ ecledand abhorred of each fide : Hethat is neither thoroughly for God, nor fir man, isrejected loth ofGod and man : doe not fay then in the day of Chrifls and worlds conte/tation, as finetime the Roman Cato did in the civil warre be- tweene Ca3far and Pompey .Q.lem fugiam .vïdeo,quern fequar nonvideo. I difcerne whomtofy, but I fee not whom tofollow. Whofoever be deftrted, Chritt mug be filly followed, or the curt of Meroz mutt be expected. Curleye cteroZ,, Paid the Angell of the Lord, curfe Jud.s.a;, yebitterly the Inhabitants therof, becaufè they carne ndt to the helpe ofthe Lord, ro the helpeofthe Lord in the day ofthemighty. Which words Iwifh, asonce ChryHtomc did that f ntence. Ecrlef. 2.H r. were en- graven on thedoore-pofts, into which theft Politiciansand NeutraliZters enter, on the Tables where they fit, on the difies cut of which they eat en the cups out ofwhich they drinke, on the bed(eeds where they lie; on the walles of the kettles where theydwell ; On the garments which they oreare ; on the heads ofthe hor f s on which they rides ;1 and on the f re- heads ofall them whom they meet, that theymight lcarneand continually remember, That there i I. A 4 is