Gurnall - BV4500 .G87 1655

That ye maybe abletofland 93, crack he got in his unclerftanding by the fall of madam. And as man bath loft, fo Satan bath gained more and more expert ence;. he loft his wildorne indeed affoon as he became a devil,. but ever fince he path increaft his craft ; though he path not wif- dom enough to do himfelf good, yet fubtilty enough to do o- thers hurt. God fhewes us where his firength lies, when he promifcth he will brnIe the head of the Serpent ;, his head crufh't and he dies prefently. Now in handling this Point of Satans fubtilty, we (hall confider him in his two main defignes,and there- in thew youhis wiles and policies. His firft main ,defign is to draw into fin. The fecond is to accufe, vex and trouble the Saint for finne. Firft, let us confider the devil as a tempter to fin, and there he thews his wily fubtilty in three things. Firft , in choofing the moft advantagious leafon for tern. piing. Secondly. in managing his temptationg, hying them in fuch a method and forme; as (hews his craft.. Thirdly, inpitching on_fit iniiruments for his turne,, to carry on his defign. n1+4-Octlit444010.0:14091444:4401401.4-10 CHAP.. I. 2. 3,. Of Satan' fubtilty to thole" the mot actvantagi o feafons for tempting. "ft, he thews his fubtilty in choofing the molt proper and ad- vantagious feafons for tempting. To every thing there is a fearon, Solomon faith, Eccl. 3. a. that is, a nick of time, which taken gives facility and fpeedy difpatch to a bufineffe ; And there- fore the fame Wife man gives this .reafon why man mifcarries fo frequently, and is difappointed in his enterprizes, becanfe be knows not kit time, Ecci. 9. i r. He comes when the bird is flovven. A turidred fouldiers at one time may turn a battel, N.3 fave- . ; ...................................................................................................