itgainfl the wiles ofthe devil. 107 bread ; you do not make your bread all of leaven, none would then eate it, belt crumble a little into a wholebatch, which low- ers all: thus Chritt doth tell the dikiples, that the Pharifees a- mong many truthsmixe their errours, and therefore it behoves them to beware, left with the truth the errour goes down alio. Again, leaven is very like the dough, of the fame grain with it, only differs in age and foureneffe: thus Chrift intimates the refemblance of their errours to the truth, fcraped ,as it were, out of the Scriptures, but lowered with their own falfe gloffes. This indeed makes it eafie for Chrifts Cheep to be infetitd with the fcabof errour, becaufe that weed which breeds the rot is fo Like the grafl'e that nourifheth them, . Thirdly, their fubtilty appears in holding forth fuch principles as are indulgent to the flesh, This brings in whole fhoales of filly foules into their net, the heart of man loves of life to shape a Religion according to its own humour, and iseafie to believe that tobe a truth, which favours its own inclination, Now there are three lulls thatSatans instruments labour to gratifie in their do- arine, Carnal Reafon, Pride, and flefhly Liberty. Firft, Carnal reafon, this is the great idol which the more in- T. telligent part ofthe world worship, making it the very standard of their faith, and from this bitter root have fprung thofe Arrian and Socinianherefies. And trulyhe that will go no further then reafon will carry him, may hold out in the plain way of the Moral Law, but when he comes to the depths of the Gofpel, muft either go back, or becontent that faith should help reafon over. Secondly, another lull that Satan cockers, is pride, Man na. a, turally would be a god to himfelf, [though for clambering fa high he got, his fall] and whatever doftrine nourifheth a good opinion of man in his own eye, this is acceptable to him, and this bath (pawned another fry of dangerous errours. The Pelagian and femi-Pelagian, which fet nature upon its own legs, and per- fwade man he can go alone to Chrift, or at leaft with a little ex- ternal help, of an hand to lead, or argument to excite, without any creating work in the foule. 0, we cannot conceive how glib fuch ftuffe goes down. If one Workman fhould tell you that your houfe is rotten, and mull be pull'd down, and all new materials prepared ; and another should fay no fuch matter , P 2 fuch