2. Thatye may be able tofiand not proflirute it (elf to his luft otherways,therfore tbhaunt it and (care it with thofe imps of blafphemy; As he ferved Luther to whom he appeared, and when repulfed by him, went away and left a noifome flinch hehinde him in the room. Thus when the Chriflian bath worfled Saran in his more pleating temptations, being madded, be belched) forth this flinch of blafphemous mo- tions to annoy and affright him, that from them the Chriflian may draw fame fad conclufion or otheriand indeed theChrifiians fin lies commonly more in the conclufion, which he draws from , them (as that he is not a child of God)then in the motions them- felves. All the counfel therefore I (hall give thee in this cafe, is to do with tbefe motions, as you ufe to ferve thofe vagrants and rogues that come about ;he countrey, whom, though you can- not keep from paffing through your town,,, yet you look they fettle not there, but whip them and fend them to their owns home : Thus give thofe motions the Law, in mourning for them, rt fillingof them, and they (hall not be your charge, (yea, 'Lis like you (hall feldomer be troubled with fuch guefis,) but if once you come to entertain them, and be Satans nurfe to themi then the Law of God will cart them upon you. S EC T. Secondly, another wile ofSatan as a troubler, is in aggrava- ting the Saints fins, (againft which he bath a notable declama tory faculty) not that he hates the fin,but the Saint; now in this, his chief fubtilty is fo to lay his charge, that it maykem to be the aet of the holy Spirit ; he knowes an arrow out ofGods quiver wounds deep ; and therefore when he accufeth he comes in Gods Name : as fuppofe a childewere confcious to himfelfe of difpleafing his father, and one that owes him a fpite (to trou ble hm) fhouid counterfeit a lette from hisfather, and cun- ningly conveyes it into the Eons hand, who receives it as from his father, whereinhe chargeth him with many heavy crimes, difownes him, and threatens he (hall never come in his fight, or have penny portion from him, the poor fon (confcious to himfelf ofmany undutiful carriages, and not knowing the plot) takes.