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againfl the wiles of thedevil. 1 23 I am a Chriftian, (fay) I appeal to Chrias Law ; and what is the Law of the Gofpel concerning this? Heartforrow is Goipel- forrow ; They were pricked in their heart, and Peter (like an ho- As z.37 nett Chi rurgion) will not keep thefe bleeding Patients longer in painwith their wounds open ; but prefently claps on the healing plaitter of the Gofpel ; Believe in the Lord ?efzu. Now a prick to the heart is more then a wound to the confcience. The heart is the feat of life. Sin wounded there lies a dying. To do any thing from the heart makes it acceptable, Eph. 6. 6. Now, co...5.11 poor foul,hada thou fate thus long in the devils flocks, if thou hada underftood this aright ? doth thy heart clear or condemn thee, when in fecret thou art bemoaning thy fin before God ? if thy heart be falfe I cannot helpyou, no, not the Gofpel it felt*, ijeh.3, et but if ti ncere, thou haft boldnetfe with God. A fecond argument Satan ufeth,is this: He whole forrow falls Mort of theirs, that never truly repented, he is not humbled e- nough s But ,foul, thy forrow falls (bort of fome, that never truly repented ; ergo. Well, the firft Propofition is true, but howwill Satan prove his Issimer?Thus, 'Ahab he tookon for his tin, and went in Pack-cloth. luku be made bitter complaint. 0 (faith Satan) didft thou not know fuch a one that lay under terrour ofconfoence, walking in a fad mournful condition fo many monetba, and every one took him for the greateft Convert in the countrey? and yet he at laft fell foully, and proved an A. poftate ; but thou never didft feel filch fmart, pa& fo many weary nights and days inmourning and bitter lamentation as he bath done, therefore thou fallen short of one that fell lbw of repentance. And truly this is a fad (tumbling block to a foul in an house of temptation, Likea !hip funk in the mouth of the harbour, which is more dangerous toothers then if it had pee rifht in the open lea. There is Idle kendel by the fins of the wicked, who fink (as it were) in thebroad fee of profaneneffes then in thofe who are convinced of lin , troubled in confciente, and mifcarry fo near the harbour,within fighties it were,of laving race. Tempted fogies can hardly get over thefe without (lath- ing. Am! better then fuch a one that proved naught at left ? Now to help thee a little to fi tide out the fallacy of this argu- ment, we must ditlinguifh between the terrours that accompany forrow, and the intrinkcal nature of this grace. The firtt which R 2 are