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The Cowow. Chap.6. Of the fpirstssality of the devils nature, . and their extreme wicke:driefe , z5o Chap. 7. of Satan; plot to defile the Chrifliant fpirit withheart- s. 259 Chap. 8.. How Satan labours to corrupt theChriflians mindewith erroisr. 267 Chap.9. Of pride of gifts, andhow Satan tempts the Chriflian thereto. 27; Ch ap. I 0. Ofpride ofGrace. 2g5 Chap.' a. Ofpride of Priviledges. 299 Opp i z. What theprize is, which believers wrefile againfl thefe Principalities, PoWersandfpirittial wickednefesfor, 306 Chap*I36 An Exhortation tothe purfriit of heaven and heavenly things. 32,E VERSE 13. Wherefore take to you the whole Armour ofGod &cc, "Ti reafon why the Apofile renews the fame Exhorta- J,. tion,as alto what trolls Minifiersare often topreach, to their people. 330 Chap.z. The belt ofSaintsfubjell to decline in grace, andWloy we are to endeavour a recovery ofdecays ingrace. 3 3 4 Chap.3. A cautionary direction from what we may not, as alto fromwhat we may judge our graces to be ina declination. 3 37 Chap.4. Aword ofcounfelfor the recoveryofdeclininggrace. 343 Chap.5. what is meant by the evil day. 349 Chap.& The dayofaffliaion is evil, and in what refpeas, as alio unavoidable,andwhy ro bepreparedfen 3sz