12 Bat againft Principalities. 444444444.44.0044***M4+4414444M CHAP IL Wherein isfbewen, what a Principality Satan bath, bow be came to be fucha Prince, andbowwe may knowwhether webe under him as our Prince, or not. VERSE 12: But againfi Principalities and Po,vers, &c. SECT. I. THe Apoille having thewen what the Saints enemies are not, flefhandblood, fraile men, who cannot come but they are ken, who may be refitted with mans power, or efcape by flight; now he defcribes them Pofitively, again(? Principalities, againfl Powers, &c. Some think the Apofile by thefe divers names and titles, intends to fet forth the dittinet orders, where- by the devils are one fubordinate to another, fo they make the Devil, verfe is. to be the Head or Monarch, and thefe, verfe 12. fo many inferiour orders, as amongmen there are Princes, Dukes, Earles, &c. under an Emperour. That there is an or- der among thedevils cannot be denied. The Scripture (peaks of a 'Prince of devils, Moth. 9. and of the'Devil and hie An- gels, who witbbim fell from their firft Ration, called his Angels as it's probably conceived,becaufe one above the refl (as the head of the fadlon) drewwith himmultitudes of other into his par ty, whowith him finned and fell. But that there tbould be fo many diftinet orders among them, as there,are feveral branches fin this defcription,is not probable ; too weak a notion to be tLe foun-