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........ llgaizs Principakies. 183 foundation of a Pulpit-difcourfe', therefore we fhall take them as meant of the devil colletlively. We wreffle not with flair and blood, but devils, who are Principalities, Powers, &c> and not diftributively, to make Principalities one rank, Powers ano- ther; for fome of thefe branches cannot be meant of diftinft or- ders, but promifcuouflyof all as fpiritual wickedneffes ; it being not proper toone to be fpirits or wicked, but common to all: Firft, then the devil or whole pack of themare here defcribed by their Government in this world, Principalities. Secondly , by their ftrength and puiffance , called Polzb- er.r. Thirdly, by their nature in its fubflance and degeneracy, Spiri- tual wicke.dneffes. Fourthly, in their Kingdoms or proper Territories, Rulersof the darknefe ofthis world. Fifthly, by the ground of the war, in heavenly places, or about heavenly things. Firft, of the firft, Principalities; eepxz'c, the abflraft for the 1%;- concrete, that is, fuch as have a Principality ; So, Titus 3. r. we are bid to be fubjeti to Principalities andPowers, that is, Princes andRulers, fo the vulgar reades it. Wewreffle againfl Princes, which fome will have to exprefle theeminency of their nature a- bove mans, that as the flate and spirit of Princes is more railed then others, great men have great fpirits, as Zeba and Z4/munnev to Gideon, askingwholheywere they flew at Taber. ' As thou art, (fay they) fowere they, each one refernkled the children of a, King, that is-, for Welly and Prefence befeeming a Princely race fo they think, the eminent nature of Angeishere tobe in: tended, who are as far above the higheff Prince, as he above the Weft peafant; but becaufe they are defcribed by their nature in the fourth branch, I shall fubfcribe to their judgement, who take this for their Principalityof Government, which thedevil exer cifeth in this lower world ; and theNote that! be, That Satan is agreat Prince, Chrift himfelf stiles him the Doll!. Prince of the world, John 14. Princes have their thrones where they fit in ftate ; Satanbath his, Rev. 2. 13. Thou d*ellefi whore Satanbath his throne ; and thaX fuch a oneas no earthly Prince maycompare; few Kings are enthronectinthehearts oftheir fub- jeas, they rule their bodies,anct command-theirpurfes, but how oft,