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1.84 4gainfi Principalities. oft in a day are they pull'd out of their thrones by the wishes of their difcontented fubjeds : But Satan bath the heart of all his fubjeds.Princes have their homage and peculiar honour done to them ;Satan is ferved upon the knee ofhis fula)eds, the wicked are Paid to WorThip the devil, Rev. 11. el. NoPrince expeds fuch worfhip as he, no leffe then religious worfhip will ferve him, z Chron. It. 15. jeroboam there is laid to ordainPriefis for devils, and therefore he is call'd not only the Prince, but the god of this world, becaufe he bath the worfhip of a god given him. Princes fuch as are abfolute have a Legiflative Power, nay, their own will is their law, as at this day in Turkey, where their Laws are writ in no other Tables, then in the proud Sultans breaft ; thus Satan gives law to the poor finner, who is bound and mull obey, though the Law be writ with his own blood, and the creature bath nothing but damnation for fulfilling the devils lull ; 'cis call'd a Law of finne, Rom. 8. 2, becaufe it comes with authority ; Princes have their Miniflers of Stare, u hom they employ for the fafety and enlargement of their Territories: So Satan his, z Car. it. r5. who propagates his curfed defignes, therefore we readeof cbaril:ze of devils. Princes have their Ar. cans Imperii, which none knowes but a few Favourites in whom they confide : thus the devil bath his myfteries of iniquity, and depth/ ofSatan we reade of, which all his fubjeds know not of, Rev.2. 24; thefe are imparted to a fewFavourites, fuch as Ely- ma/s, whom Patil calls full of allfobtilty, and childe of the devil; fuch, whofe confciences are fo debauched, that they fcruple not the moll horrid fins, thefe are his white boyes. I have read of a people in America, that love meat bell when 'cis rotten and flunks. The devil is of their diet, the more corrupt and rotten the creature is in finne, the better he pleafeth his tooth ; fome are more the children of the devil then others. Quill had his be- loved difciple ; and Satan thofe that lie in his very bofome, and know what is in his heart. In a word, Princes have their VeRi- galia, their tribute and cuftome ; fo Satan his. Indeed he doth not fb much fhare with the finner in all, but is owner of all he huh, fo that the devil is the Merchant, and the finner but the broker to trade for him, who at !aft puts all his gainer into the devils purfe : time, fliength, parts, yea, confcicnce and all fpent to keep him in his throne. SECT.