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86 Againft Principalities. Q",/l. Rut \thy doth god permit this Apollate-creature, to exereile Inch a Principality over the world? A on fw. Firft, as a righteous aft of vengeance on Man, for revoking from the fweet G overnment of his rightful Lord and Maker ; 'Tis the way that God punifbeth rebellion Becaure 7e would,not terve me Witl o gladneife tn the abundance of all things, therefore ye jballTerveyour enemies in hunger, 6--c. Satan is a King given in Gods wrath. Chants curie is mans punifhment, a Servant of fervants. The devil is Gods flave, man the devils. Sin bath fet thedevil on the creatures back, and now he hurries himwithout mercy, (as he did the (wine) till he be choak't with flames, if mercy interpofe not, Secondly, God permits this his Principality, in order to the glorifying of his Name in the recovery of his Meet from tke power of this great Potentate. What a glorious Name will God have when he bath finifhed this war, wherein at firft he found all poffeffed by this enemy, and not a man ofall the Ions of A- dam to offer himfelf as a Voluntier in this fervice, till made wil- ling by the day of his Power? this, this will gain God a Name above every name, not only ofcreatures, but ofthofe by which himfelf was known tohis creature. The workmanfhipof hea- ven and earth gave him the Name of Creatour, Providence of Preferver, but this of saviour, wherein he doth both the former, preferve his creature which elle had been loft, and create a new creature, I mean the Babe of Grace, which, through God, fhall be able to beat the devil out of the field, whowas able to drive Adam (though created in his full nature) out of Paradife, and may not all the other works of God empty themfelves as rivers into this fea, !Ong their names, or rather fwelling into one of Redemption ? Had not Satan taken Gods Ele6t prifoners, they would not have gone to heaven with fuch acclamations of tri- umph.There are three expreffions of a great joy inScripture; the joy of a woman after her travel, the joy ofharveft,and the joy of him thatdivideth the fpoil: the exultaton ofall there is wrought upon a fad ground, many a paint and teare it coils the travel- ling woman, many a' feare the husbandman, perils and wounds the fouldier, before they come at their joy, but at laft are paid for all, the remembranceof their paft forrows feeding their pre- fens joyes. Had Chrift come and entered into affinity with our