Againfl rrincipalitim 187 our nature, and return'el peaceably to heaven with his Spoufe, finding no refiftance; though this would have been admirable love, and that would have afforded the joy of marriage, yet this wayof carrying his Saints to heaven will greaten the joy, as it addes to the nuptial Song, the triumph ofa Con querour, who bath refcued his Bride out of the hands of Satan, as he was lead. ing her to the chambers ofhell. S E CT. III. Is Satan filch a great Prince ? try whole fubjed thou art. His vre a. Empire is large, only a few priviledg'd, who are tranflated into the Kingdome of Gods dear Son ; even in Chrifts own territo- ries, (vifible Church I mean) where his Name is profeft, and the Scepter of his Gofpel held forth, there Satan bathhis fubjeds. As Chrift had his Saints in Wero's Court ; fo the devil his fer- vants in the outward Court of his vifible Church. Thou muff therefore have fomething more to exempt thee from his Govern- ment, then living within the pale, and giving an outward con- formity to the Ordinances ofChrift, Satanwill yield to this, and be no lofer As aKing lets his Merchants trade to, yea, live in a forreign Kingdome, and;while they are there learn the language, and obferve the cuftomes of the place ; this breaks not their al- legiance, nor all that thy, loyalty to. Satan. When a Statute was made in Queen eiizoibeths reign, -that all fhoulcl come to Church, thePapifts fent to tt?ma to know. the Popes pleafure, he return'd them this anfwer, (as 'tis faicl)Bid theCatholicks in Eng- land giveme their heart,and let the Zicen take the refl.. His fubjed thou art whom thou crownefl in thy heart, and not whom thou flattereft with thy lips. But to bring the trial to an iffue, know thou belongeft to one of thefe, and but to one, Chrift and Satan divide the whole world; Chriftwill bear no equal, and Satan no Superiour,and therefore hold in with both thou canft not. Now if thou fay- eft Chrift be thy Prince, anfwer to thefe Interrogatories. PHI., howcame he into the throne ? Satan had once the quiet poffeffion of thy heart : thou waft by birth as the reft of thy neighbours, Satans vaffal, yea,haft oft vouch.% him in thecourfe b z of