dgainft Principalities. then Chrift, whoby his vi&orious Spirit hath tranflated thee from Satans power intohis own fweet Kingdom. Secondly, whole law clod} thou freely fubjeft thy felf unto ?. the lawes of thefe Princes are as contrary as their natures ; the one a law of fin, Rom. 8. 2. theother a law of holineffe, Rome. 7.1z. and therefore if fin hath not fo far bereav'd thee of thy wits, as not to know fin from holineffe, thou mayeft, (ex- cept refolve to cheat thy own foul) loon be refolved ; confefie therefore and give glory to God, to which of theft laws cloth, thy foule let its Peale When Satan fendes out his Proclamation, and bids firmer goe, let thy foot upon fuch a command of God, obferve what is thy behaviour, doefl thou yield thy fclf, as Alta' phrafeth it, Rom. 6. 16. 72-rzeigivaTE, a metaphor from Princes fer- vants or others, who are Paid iatNs, to prefent them- felves before their Lord, as ready and at hand to do their plea- lure, by which the Apopelegantly defcribes the forwardnefTe of the finners heart to cometo Satans foot, when knock or call; Now doth thy foule go out thus to meet thy lull-, (as Aaronhis brother) glad to fee its face in an occafion ? thou art not brought over to fin with much ado, but thou likeft thecommand-: Trani gre&re at Gilgal, (faith God) this liketh you well, Hof. 4. 5. As a - Courtier . who doth not only obey, but thank his Prince that- he'll employ him. Need'il thou be long in refolving whole thou art ? did ever any queflion, whether thofe were jeroboam' lab., jeets, who willingly followed his command? Hof: 5. r r. Alas, for thee, thou art under thepower of Satan, tied by a chaine ftronger then braffe or iron thou loveft thy lull. ASiint may be for a time under a force, foldunderfin, as the Apo'le bemoans, and therefore glad when deliverance comes, but thou felleft thy felf to work iniquity. If Chrift fhould come to rake thee from thy tufts, thou wouldeft whineafter them, as Micah after his gods. Thirdly, to whom goeft thou for proteaion ? as it belongs to' the Prince to proteethis fubjeets, foPrinces expea their fubjeets ithould truft them with their fafety ; the very bramble bids, ludg. 9. 15. If in truth ye anoint me King, then pm your trail under my Aadow. Nowwho hath thy confidence ? Dareft thou truft` God with thy foule, and the affaires of it inwell-doing ? Good._ fubjtas follow their calling, commit State-matters to the Bb 3 9 3;