TREATISE Of the whole Armour °f God. THE INTRODUCTION. EPHE SI ANS 6. to. Finally, my Brethren-be firong in theLord, and in thepower ofhis might. alitwas now in bonds, yet not fo clofekept as to be denied pen and paper : God (it feernes) gave him tome favour in the fight of his ene- mies: Patel was Neres prifoner ;Nero was much more God's. And while God had work for Fail, hefound him friends both inCourt and prifon. Let perfecutors fend the Saints to prifon, God can pro- vide a Keeper for their turn. But how doth this great Apoffle fpend his time in prifon ? not in publifhing invetlives againif thofe, (though the wort?: of men) who had laid him in;a piece of zeal which the holy fuffer- ers of thofe times were little acquainted with: °Nor in politick counfels how he might winde himfelf out ofhis trouble, by fordid flattery of, or finful compliance with the great ones of,the times. Some would have ufed any pick-lock to have opened a Wrap B to