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19 Ag4inji Princip4lities. dom of their Prince and his Conned ; when wrong'd, they ap- peal to their Prince inhis Laws for right; and when they do or= fend their Prince, they fubmit to the penalty of the Law; and Beare his difpleafurepatiently, till bumbling themfelves they re- - coverhis favour, and donot in a difcontenc fall to openrebelli- on. Thus a gracious foule follows his Chrittian calling, com- mitting himfelf to God as a faithful Creatour, to be ordered by his wife Providence. If he meets withviolence fromany, he fcornes to beg aid of the devil to help him, or be his own judge to right himfelf ; No, he acquiefceth in the counfel and com- fort the Word of God gives him. Ifhimfelf offends, and fo comes under the lathof Gods corre&inghand, he doth not then take up rebellious armes againft God, and refufe to receive cor- ration, but faith, Why Amid a living man complain ? a man for thepuniAnnent of his fin ; whereas a naughty heart dares not venture his eftate, life, credit, or any thinghe bath with God in well-doing, he thinks he thanbe undone prefently, if he fits ftill under the thadow of Gods promife for protection; and there- fore he runs fromGod as from under an old houfe that would fall on his head, and layes the weight of his confidencein wick- ed policy, making lies his refuge, like Ifrael, he trsifts in per- verfeneffe, when God tells him, In returning and reft he (hall be faved, in quietneye and confidence'hall be his ftrength he bath not faith to take Gods Word for his fecurity in wages of obedience.. Andwhen God comes to afflid him for any difloyal carriage, in ftead of accepting the punifhment for his fin, and fo to own him for his Soveraign Lord, that may righteoufly punifh the faults ofhis difobed lent fubjeds, his heart is with ragea gainftGod, and in Beadofwaitingquietly and humbly , (like a good fubjed) till God upon his repentance receives him into his favour, his wretched heart (prefentingGod as an enemy to him) will not fuffer any fuck gracious and amiable thought of God to dwell in his bofome, but bids him look for no good at his hand. This evil is of theLord, Why fhould I wait on the Lord a-, ny longer? whereas a gracious heart is molt encouraged to wait from thisvery confideration that drives the other away; Becaufe 'tis the Lord afflids, Micah 7, 6, Fourthly, whom doeft thou fympathize with ? he is thy Prince, whofe vi dories and loffes thou lay( ft to heart, whether in