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Againfi Principalities. nimimm excellent, which cannot be fully feen, unleffe it be by a glorified eye ; how can it be fullyknown by us, where it cannot be fully enjoyed ? thou art unlisted into the Kingdome of Chrift, but thou art a great way from his Court. That iskept in heaven, and that the Chriftian knows, but as we far countreys which we never law, only by map, or fame rarities that are fent us as a tafte of what grows there in abundance. Thirdly, this (Chriftian) calls for thy loyalty and faithful fer- Vfe 3. vice toChrift, who bath laved thee from Satans bondage. Says 0 ye Saints,to Chrift, as they toGideon, Come thou and rule over us, for thou haft delivered us from the hand, not of &idiots, but of Satan. Who fo able to defend thee from his wrath, as he who broke his power ? who like to rule thee fo tenderly, as he that could not brook anothers tyranny over thee ? In a word, who bath right to thee betides him, who ventuc'd his life to redeem thee ? that being deliveredfront all thine enemies, thou mayenerve himwithout feare in holinefre all the days of thy life. Anti.= viirt norpity that Chrift should take all this pains to lift up thy lead frothSatans houfeof bondage, and give thee a place among thole in his ownhoufe, who are admitted to minifter unto him, (which is the higheft honour the natureof men or Angels is capableof,) and that thou fhouldeft after all this be found to have a hand in any treafonable practice againft thy dear Saviour ? hardy Chrift may think he bath defervedbetter at your hands, ifat none betides. Where fluff a Prince fafely dwell, if not in the midll of his ownCourtiers ; and thole fuck whowere all taken from chains and prifons to be thus preferc'd, the more to oblige them inhis fervice ? Let devils and devillifb men do their own work, but let not thy hand (0 Chriftian) beupon thy dear Saviour. But this is too title to bid thee not play the traitourff thou haft any loyal blood running in thy veines, thy own heart will fmite thee when thou rendeti the lean skirt of his holy Law ; thou canft as well carry burning wales in thy bofome, as hide any treafon there againft thy dear Soveraign. No, 'tis fome nobleenterprife I would have thee think upon, how thou mayeft advance the Name of Chrift higher in thy heart, andworld too asmuch as in thee lies. 0how indely did God cake it,that Dovid(whenpeace- ably fen in his throne) was cafting about, not how he might en- tertainhimfelf with thole pleafures3 which virally corrupt and Cc de® '93