Again. Powers. debauch the Courts of Princes in times of peace, but how he might fhew his zeal for God, in building a houfe for his weir- fhip, that had rear'd a throne for him, 2 Sam. 7. And is there nothing (Chriftian) thou -atilt think on, wherein thou mayell eminently be inftrumental for God in thy generation? Fle is not a good fuby d thatisall for what hecan get of his Prince,but never thinks what fervice he may do for him. Nor he the true Chriftian, whole thoughts dwell more on his own bappineffe then the honour of his God. if fubjeas might chufe what life Rands belt for their own enjoyment, all would defire to live at Court with their Prince : But becaufe the Princes honour is !tore to be valued then this : therefore noble fpirits (to do their Prince fervice) can deny themfelves the delicacies of a Court, to jeopard their Jives in the field, and thank their Prince too for the honour oftheir employment. Bleffed.Pard upon thefe termer was willing to have his day of coronation in glory prorogued, & hqto flay as a companion with his brethren in tribulation here, for the furtherance of theGolpel. This indeed makes it oper4 protium vivere, worth the while to live, that we have by it a faire opportunity, (ifhearts tohusband it) in whichwe may give a proof of our real gratitude to ourGod, for his redeeming love in refcningus out of the power ofthe Prince ofdarkneffe,and tran- flaring us into the Kingclome of his dear Son. And therefore (Chriftian) lofe no time, but what thou meaneG ro do for God, do it quickly : Art thou a Magiftrare ? now it will be loon Peen on whole fide thou art; if indeed thou haft renounced allegiance to Satan, and taken Chrift for thy Prince, declare thy felf anea nemy to all that bear the name of Satan, and march under his colours. Study well thy commiffion, and when thou under- ftandeft the duty of thy place, fall to work zealoufly for God. Thou haft thy Princes !word put into thy hand, be lure thou ufe it, and take heed how thou uleft it; that when call'd to deliver it up, and thy account alio, it may not be found rufly in the theath through {loth and cowardife, latimearecl with the blood ofviolence, nor bent and gap's with partiality and injunice, thou a Minifter of the Gofpel ? thyemployment is high, an Ama baffadoor, and that not from fore petty Prince, but the great God to his rebelliouslubjeds. A calling fo honourable, that theSon of God difdainednot to come in extraordinary, fromhea- ven .. ...... - . . .... . -