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Againfi Powers. 19 ven to perform it, call'd therefore the meFenger of the Covenant; M P yea, he had to this day ftay'd on earth in per fon about it had he not been call'd to refide as our Ambaffadome and Advocate in heaven with the Father: and therefore in his bodily abfence he bath intrufted thee and a fewmore to carry on the Treatywith finners,which when on earth himfelf began. And what can you do more acceptable to him, then to be faithful in it, as a bufim neffe on which he bath fet his heart fo much? As ever you would fee his fweet face with joy,(you that are his Ambaffaciours) at- tend to your work, and labour to bring this Treaty of Peace to a bleffed iffue between God and thole you are fent to. And then if fanners will not come off, and feat the Articles of the Go- fpel, you (hall (as Abram'', faid to his fervant) be cleare of your oath. Though /feat/ be not gathered, yet you (hall be glorious in the eyes of the Lord. And let not the private Chriftian fay be is a dry tree,and can do nothing forChrift hisPrince,becaufe he may not bear the Magiltrates fruit or Minifters. Though thou haft not a commiffion to punifh the fins of others with the fword of juftice, yet thou mayeft thew thy zeal, in mortifying thy own with the fwordof the Spirit, and mourne for theirs alfo: though thou mayeft not condemn them on the bench, yet thou mayeit, yea, oughteft by the p-ower of a holy life to convince and judge them. Such a Judge Lot was to the Sodomite:. Though thou art not fent to preach and baptize, yet thoumayeft be won- derful helpful to them who are. The Chriftians prayers whet Magiftrates and Minifters fword alfo. 0 pray, Chriftian, and pray again, that ChriftsTerritories may beenlarged;never go to heare theWord, but pray, Thy Kingdem come. Loving Princes take great content in theacclamations and good wifhes of their fubje&s as they pate by. A vivat rex , Long live the King, co- ming from' a loyal breath, though poor, is more worth then a fubfidy from thofe who deny their hearts while they part with their money. Thou ferveft a Prince (Chriftian) who knowes what all his fubjets think of him, and he counts it his honour, not to have a multitude feinedly fubmit to him, but to have a peo- ple that love him and cordially like his government, who if they were to chufe their King, and make their own lawes they (hould live under every day,would defire no other then himfelf, nor any ()tiler lawes thenwhat they have already fromhis mouth. It-was Cc z no