X98 Againfi Principalities. cannot be refilled with carnal force, fire and fw ord hurt not them. The Angel which appear'd to Manoah, went up in the fire that confumed the facrifice, though fuch bath been thedo- tage, and is at thieday offuperftitious ones, that they think to charme the devil with their carnal exorcifines ; hence the Ro- mifh Reliques, Croffe, holywater, yea, and among the Jewes the felves in corrupter times, who thought by their phylafteries and Circumcifion, to fcare away the devil, which made fome of them expound that, Cant. 3.S. ofCircumcifion, Every man bath his /word cn his thigh, becaufe of feare in the night. By fword on the thigh they expound Circumcifion, which they will vainly have given as a charme againft evil fpirits that affright them in the night. But alas, the devil cares for none of thefe, no, not for an Ordinance of God, when by flefbly confidence we make it a fpell : he bath been often bound with thefe fetters and chaines, (as is faid of him in the Gofpel) and the chaines havebeen plucked afunder by him, neither could any man thus tame him. He efteems, as 706 faithof the Leviathan, iron 4.I Lira*, andbrafe a rotten woo ei. It mutt be a ftronger then the ftrong man mutt binde him, and none ftronger but God the Father of fpirits. Thedevil loft indeed by his fall much of his power, in relation to that holy and happy &ate in which he was created, but not his natural abilities, he is an Angel 11111; and hath an An! gels power. 3. Thirdly, the number of devils addes to their power. What lighter then the land? yet number makes it weighty ? what creature leffe then lice ? yet what plague greater to the Egypti- ant ? How formidable then mufldevils be, who are both for nature fo mighty, and fornumber fuch a multitude ? there are devils enough to beleaguer the whole earth ; not a place under heaven whereSatan bath not his troops ; not a perfon without fome of thefe curled fpirits haunting and watching him where- /ever he goes ; yea, for fome fpecial fen ice he can fend a legion to keep garrifon in one Tingle perfon, as, Maar,s. and if fo ma- ny can be (pared to attend one, to what a number would the mu- fter-rolle of Satans whole army amount if known? And now tell me, if we are not like to finde our march difficult to heaven, (if ever we mean to go thither) that are to pale through the very 'quarters of this multitude, who are fcattered over the face of all the