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delaainfl Principalities. the earth. When armies are disbanded,and the roads full of de- bautch't fouldiers, wandering up and down, it's dangerous tra- veiling : we heare then ofmurders and robberies from all quar- ters : Thefe powers of hell are that party of Angels, who for their mutiny and difobedience were-cafhier'd heaven, and thrtift out of that glorious hoff, and ever fince they have aragled here below, endeavouring to do mifchief to the children ofmen, e- fpecially travelling in heavens road. Fourthly, their unity and order makes their number formic dable, We cannot fay there is love among them, that heaven- ly fire cannot live in a devils bofome, yet there is unity and or- der as to this, they we all agreed in their defhtne againft God and man : fo their unity and confent is knit together by the li- gaments, not oflove, but of hatred and policy ; Hatred against God and his children which they are filled with; and policy, . which tells them, that if they agreenot in their defigne, their Kingdorne cannot fland. And how true they are to this wick ed brotherhood, our Saviour gives a faire teflimony, when he faith, Satan fights net againfl Satan, Did you ever heare of any mutiny in the devils army ? or that any of thole Apoitate An gels did freely yield up one foule to C hrift ? They are many, and yet but one fpirit of wickedneffe in them all. My name . Paid the devils, (not our name,) is legion. The devil is calla the Leviathan, lfa. 27. I. The Lord rvith his flrong frrordfh.111 pinifh Leviathan., from theircleaving together of71Y compaft or joyned together ufed for the whale , 7ob 4. whole ftrength lies in his fcales, which are fo knit, that he is, as it were, covered with armour. Thus thefe turfed fpirits do accord in their machinations, and labour to bring their inftruments into the fame league with them, not contented with their bare obedience, but where they can obtain it do require an expreffe oath of their fervants to be true to them, as in witches. Fifthly, the mighty works that are attributed to thefe evil fpirits in Scripture declare their power, and thefeeither refpe& the elementary, fenfible, or intelledual part of the world. The 'Elementary, what dreadful effeets this Prince of the power of the aire is able to produce on that, fee in the Word ; he cannot indeed make the leaft breath of aire, drop of water, or fparkof fite 5, but he can if let lode (as Reverend Mailer Cary/faith 199