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Againfi Powers. 120 of them by that power he putsforth (throughdivine permiffion) in fmiting their goods, heath and bodies, as among the Indians at this day. Yea, there are many among our felves plainlyfh:w what a throne Satan bath in their hearts upon this account, luck who, as if therewere not a God in grad, go for help and cure to his DoCtours, wizzards I mean. And truly had Satan no other way to workhis will on the fouler of men, but by this vantage he takes from the body, yet confidering the degeneracy of mans Rate, how low his foule is funkbeneath its primitive extraction, how thebody whichwas a lightfome houfe is now become a pri- fon. to it that which was its fervant is now become its Matter it is no wonder he is able to do fo much. But bt fides this,he hath as a fpirit a neerer way ofacceffe to the Joule, and as a fuperiour fpirit, yet more over man a lower creature. And above a ll,ha ving got within the foule by mans fall, he bath now far more power then before; fo that where he meets not refiftance from God he carrries all before him : As in the wicked, whom he bath fo at his devotion, that he is(in a fenfe) faid to do that in them, which God doth in the Saints. Godworks effectually in them, sal. 2. 8. I chef 2. r Satan worketh effeetu- ally in the children of difobedience, Eph. 2. 2. il,Sn;;;rraCs the fame word with the former places, he is in a manner as effi- caciouswith them,as the holy Spirit with the other. His delufions Itrong, z The/. 2. II. They return not re infeda, The Spirit enlightens, he dlindes themindes of thofe that believe not, 2Cor. 4. 4. The Spirit fill' the Saints , Ephef. 5. 18. Why bath Satan filled thy heart, faith Peter to Ananias AEIs. 5. 3. The Spirit fills with knowledge, and she fruits of righteonfnefe ; Satan fills with envy and all unrighteoufnefre. The holy Spirit fills withcomfort; Satan the wicked with terrours : As in Sao/ vexed by an evil fpirit; and Itsdiu, into whom 'cis faid he enter- ed, and when he had fatisfied his tuft upon him, (as Amnon on Tamar) shuts the door of mercy uponhim, and makes him that was even nowTraitour to his Matter, Hangman to himfelfe. And though Saints be ,not the proper fubjeCts of his power, yet they are the chief objeCts of his wrath, his foot Elands on the wickeds back, but he wreaks with thefe, and when God fteps a- fide, he is far above their match : He bath fent the ftrongeft among them home, tremblingand crying to their God, with the Dd blood