'1),re I, 4gainit Powers. blood running about their confciences. He is mighty, both as a tempter to and for fin, knowing the flare of the Chriftians affairs fo wel,& able to throw his fire-bals fo far into the inward fenfes, (whether they be of luft or horrour) and to blow up thefe with fuch unwearied folicitations, that if they at firft meet not with Tome fuitable dirpofitions in the Chriftian, at which (as from loofe comes of powder) theymay take fire, (which is molt ordinary) yet in time he may bring over the creature by the length of the liege, and continued volleys of fuch motions, to Hen to aparley with them, if not a yielding to them. Thus many times he even wearies out the foule with importunity. SECT. IL Firft, let this(0man)make the plumes of thy pride fall, who- ever thou art that glorieft in thypower ; hadit thou more then thou or any of the fons of Adam ever had, yet what were all that to the power of thefe Angels? Is it the ftrength of thy body thou glorieft in ? Alas, what is the ftrength of frail fleffi, to the force of their 1piritualnature ? thou art no more to thefe then a childe to a giant, a worme to a man : who could tear up the mountaines, and hurle the world into a confufion, if God would but fuffer them. Is it the ftrength of thy parts above others doeft thou not fee what books he makes of the wild/ a- mong men ? winding them about as a Sophifter would do an Idiot, making them believe light is dark,bitter is fweet, and fweet bitter; were not the ftrength of his parts admirable, could he make a rational creature as man is, fo abfurdly throw away his fcarler, and embrace dung : I mean, part with God and the glo- rious happineffehe bath in him, in hope to mend himfelf, by em- bracing fin? Yet this he did when man had his belt wits about him in innocency. Is it the power ofplace and dignity not by warlike atchievement ? Grant thou wert able to fubdue Nati- ons,and give lawes to the whole world, 3 et even then without grace from above thou wouldeft be his (lave. And he himfelfe for all this his power is a curled (pit, the molt miferable of all Goth creatures, and the mo-e becaufe he path fo much power to do-mifchief5 had the devil loft all his Angelical abilities, when he