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Againfi Powers. 2o3 he fell,he had gained by his Toile. Therefore tremble(Oim)at any power thou haft, except thou ufeft it for God. Artrfirong in body ? who hath thy ftrength ? God, or thy lufts ? fome are thong to drink, ftrong to fin, Thy havds Jhall thereforebefirong. er, Ifa. 28.22. Haft thou power by thy place to do God and his Church fetvice, but noheart to lay it out for them, but ra- thee againft them ? thou and the devil that! be tried at the fame bar, it ferns thou meaneft to go to hell for fomething, thou wilt carry thy full lading thither. No greater plague can befall a man then power without grace. Such great ones in the world, while here,make a brave thew, like chief Commanders and field- Officers at the head oftheir Regiments,the common fouldiers are poor creatures to them ; but when the Army is beaten, and all taken prifoners, then they fling off their fcarfe and feather, and would be glad to pate for the meaneft in the army. Happy woulddevils be, Princes and great ones in the world be, if then they could appear in the habit offome poor fneaks to receiv their fentence as fuch,but then their titles,and dignity,and riches (hall be read, not for their honour, but further thame and dam- nation. Secondly, it (hewer the folly of thofe that think it is filch an vie 2. eafie matter to get heaven. If thedevil be fomighty, and heat yens way fo full of them, then lure it will c oft hot water before we difplay our banners upon thewalls of that new lertifalem. Yet it is plain many think otherwife by the provilion they make for their march. If you (hould fee a man walking forth with- out a cloak, or with a very thin one, youwill fay,Surely he fears no foule weather, or one riding a long journey alone and with- out armes, youwill conclude he expefts no thieves on the road, All (ifyou ask them) will tell you they are on their way to hea- ven, but how few care for the company of the Saints, as ifthey needed not their fellowfhip in their journey ? Molt go naked, without fo much as any thing like armour, have not enough to gaine thename of Profeffours at large ; others, it may be, will thewyou fome vaine flighty hopes on the mercyof God, with- out any Scripture-bottom for the fame, and with thefe content themfelves, which will like a tufty unfound piftol flie in their own face, when they come toufe it, and is it any wrong to fay Ode make nothingofgetting heaven ? Surely thefe men, (many D d 2 of is