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204 Againfi Powers, of whom thrive fo well in the world) never got their eftates with fo little care as they think to get heaven. Ask them why they follow their trade fo civic, they will tell you eftates are not got by fleeping, families are not provided for with the hands in the pocket, they meet with many rooks and cheaters in their dealing, who,,,fhould they not look to themfelves would foot un- do them : and are there none that thou needeft feare will 'put a cheat on thy foule, and berea ye thee of thy crown ofglory if they can ? thou art blinder then the Prophets fervant, ifthou feeft not more devils encompafiing thee thenhe law men about Samari4 Thy worldly trade theywill not hinder, nay, may be, help thee to finful tricks in that'to hinder thee in this : but if once thou refolveft to leek out for Chrift and his grace, they oppofe thee to thy face ; they are under anoath, as Pamir enemieswere, to take away the life of thy foul if theycan ; de- fperate creatures themfelves, who know their doom is irreco- verable, and fell their own lives they will as dear as they can. Nowwhat folly is it to betray thy foule into their hands, when Chrift stands by to be thyconvoy? out of him thou art a loft eature, thou cant' not defend thy felt alone againft Satan,nor with Satan againft God. Clofe with Chrifte and thou art deli- vered from one of thy enemies, and him the molt formidable, God I mean : yea, he is become thy friend, who will ftick dole to thee in thy conflict with theother. Thirdly, to the Saints; be not ye difmayed at this report which Vfe 3`. the Scripture makes ofSatans power. Let them feare himwho feare not God. What are there mountains ofower and pride before thee, 0 C hriftian, who ferveft a God that can make a worme tbrelh a mountain ? the greateft hurt he can do thee, is by nouriihint, this falfe fear of him in thy bolome : It is obretved (Bernard faith) of fome beafts the forreff, Plerampe Imperdno leonem fer ientern,qme nonfuflinent rogientirn: Though they are too hard for the Lion in fight, yet tremblewhen he roares, Thus: the Chriftian, when he comes to the pinch indeed, is able through Chrift to trample Satan under his feet, yet before the ccinflict Rands trembling at the thought of him. Labour there- ' fore get a right underflancling ofSatans power, and then this Lion will not appear fo fierce, as you paint him in your melan- Eholy .fancy. Three confederations will relieve you, when at