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Ag4inji Powers. 5 at any time you are befet, with the fearer of his power. Firft, it is a derived power; he hash it not in himfelf, but by pattenc from another, and that no other but God : All powers are of him, whether on earth or in hell. This truth fubfcribed in faith would firlt fccure thee (Chriftian) that Satans power fhall never hurt thee. Would thy Father give him a fword to mifchief thee his childe ? I have created the Smith (faithGod;that bletteth the coales, I have created the wafter to deftroy, and there. fore affures them, that no weaponformed againfl themAdprofper, Ifa. 54.16, &c. If God provides his enemies armes, they fhali (I warrant you) be fuck as will do them little fervice. When Pilate thought to IcareChrift,with what he could do towards the faving or taking away of his life, he replies, that he could do nothing except it Were given from above, lobo 19. 10. as if he had faid , Do your woi ft, I know who feal'd your corn- million, Secondly, this confidered, would mzeken and quiet the ionic, when troubledby Satan within, or his inftruments without ; Satan buffets, man perfecutes me, but God who gives them both power. The Lord faith David) bids himcurie. The Lord (faith lob)hathgiven,and the Lordbath taken. This kept the Kings peace in both their bofomes 0Chriflian,look not on the Jayler that whips thee, maybe,he is cruel, but reade the warrant, who wrote that, and at the bottome thou shalt finde thy Fathers. hand. Secondly,Satanspower is liniited,and that two ways;he cannot. 2. do what be will, and he (ball not do what he can. t. Firft, he cannot do what be will.His defires are boundleffe,they walk not only to and fro herebelow, but inheaven it Pelf, where he is pulling down his once, fellow-Angels, knocking down the carvedwork of that glorious Temple, as with axes and ham, mers, yea, unthroningGod, and letting himfelf in his place, this foole faith in his heart,There is noGod; but he cannot do this, nor many other things whichhis canker'd malice ftirres him, up to with ; heis but a creature, and fo hath the length of his- Tedder to which he is flaked and cannot exceed;and if God be fafe then thou alto, for thy life is bidwith Chrift in God ; If I live (faith Chrift) yoti fball live alto. You are engravers on the tableof his heart, if h_ e plucks one away, he mutt_ theotheralfo. D d 3