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206 Agaigi Powers. Again, as he cannot hurt the being of God . fo he cannot pry into the bofeme of God. He knowes not mans, much leffe the thoughts of god. The Aftrologers nor their Mailer could bring back Nebuchadvezzars dream. As men have their clofets for their own privacy, wherenone can enter in but with their Key: fo God keeps the heart as his withdrawing room, fhut to all be- fides himfelf, and therefore when he takes uponhim to foretel events : ifGod teach him not his leffon, nor fecond caufes help him, he is betide his book ; fo to fave his credit, delivers them dubioufly, that his text may beare a gloffe fuitable to the effect whatever it is. And when he is bold to tell the state of a per- fon,there is no weight to be laid on his judgment. 706 was an hypocrite in his mouth, but God proved him a liar. Again, thirdly, he cannot hinder thofe purpofes and counfels of God he knows. He knewChrift was to come in the flefh and did his worft, but could not hinder his landing, though there were ma- ny devices in his heart, yet the counfel of the Lord concerning him did ftand, yea, was delivered by the midwiferyof Satan fug gifting, and his inftruments executing his luft as they thought, but fulfilling Gods counfel againft therafelves. Fourthly, he cannot ravifh thy will, Diabohis non eft Kror vitiorom, red in- censor. He cannot command thee to fin againft thy will ; he can motum agere, make the foale go fafter, that is, on its way, as the winde carries the tide with more fwiftneffe,, but he cannot turn the ftream of the heart contrary to its own courfe and tendency. Secondly, Satans power is fo limited,that he fha II not do what he can. God lets out fo much of his wrath as (hall praife him, and be as a ftream to let his purpofe of love tohisSaints on work, and then lets down the flood-gate by reftraining the refidue thereof; God ever takes him offbefore he can finifh his work on a Saint. He can (if God fuffers him) rob the Chriitian of much .ofhis joy,and difturb his peace by his cunning infinuations,buthe is under command ; he ftands like a dog by the Table while the Saints fir at this fweet feAft ofcomfort, but dares not ftir to roam offtheir cheer, his Matters eye is on him. The went of this con- fideration lofeth God his praife, and us our comfort,God having lock't up our c omfort in the performance of our duty. Did the Chriftian confiderwhat Satans power is, and who datums it up-; This