,,,................ .. . Againft Powers. 207 This would aiwayes be a Song of praife in his mouth. Hach Satan power to rob and burn, kill and flay, torment the body, diflreffe the minde ? whommay I thank that I am in any of thefe out ofhis hands ? cloth Satan love one better then 'job or am I out of fight,or befide his walVis his courage tool'd,or his wrath appeaf'd, that I fcapefo well ? no none of thefe,his wrath is not againft one, but all the Saints; his eye is on thee, and his arme can reach thee; his fpirit is not cow'd, nor his fiomack iIay'd with thole millions he bath devoured, but keen as ever ; yea, (harper, becaufe now he fees God ready to take away, and the end of the world drawing on fo falVf is thyGodalone whom, thou art beholden to for all this, his eye keepeth thee; when Sa, tan finds thegood man afleep, then he finds our good Godawake; therefore thou art not confumed, becaufe he changeth not. Did his eye flumber or wander one moment, there would need no o- ther flood to drown thee, yea, the wholeworld,then what would' come out ofthis dragons mouth. Thirdly, Satans power is miniflerial, appointed by God for the fervice and benefit of the Saints : 'Tis true (as its laid oldie 3. proud Alyrian ,) be weaneth not 4, neither doth his heart think fa; ifa, 101: but it is in his heart to deflroy thole he tempts : but no matter what he thinks: as Luther comforted himfelf, when told what had paffed at the diet at Noremburg againft the Proteftants, that it was decreed one may there, but otherwiie inheaven; fo for the Saints comfort, the thought; which God thinks to them are peace, while Satan; are mine to their graces, and deffrudion to their foules and his counftl (hall Hand in fpite of the devil, The- very mittimmt which God makes when he commits any of his Saints to the devils prifon, runs thus, Deliver inch a one to Satan- for the defiruElion of the fiefh, that the fpirit may be raved in the day of the Lord Yejtcr, i Cor. 5.5. fo that tempted Saints may fay, we had perifhed ifwe had not perifhed to our own thinking,. This Leviathan, while he thinks to (wallow them up, is but fent of God, (as the whale to yonah) to waft them fafe to land. Some of them ofanderilanding Gall fall to try them, and to purge the% and to make. them White, Dan. i r. 3 5. This God intendswhen- he lets his children fall into temptation, 23 we dowith our lin- nen, the fpots they get at our feaffs are takenout by wafhing, rubbing and laying them out to bleech, The Saints fpots are moft