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darkieffe of :his World.. 209 SECT. r. The time when he rules : fo this word (world) may be taken i. in the text for that little fpot oftime, which (like an inconfider- able parenthefis) is clafp't in on either fide with vat' eternity ; calt'd fometimes theprefent World. On this ftage of time this Tit, 1. i t mock-King as the part of a Prince, but when Chrift comes to take down this fcaffold at the end of this world, then he fhall ix degraded, his crown taken off, his fword broke over his head, and he hilt off with fcorne and (lame; yea, of a Prince become a clofe prifoner in hell ; no more then fhall he infeft the Saints, no,nor rule the wicked : but he with them, and they with him, fhall lie under the immediate execution ofGods wrath, for this very end Chrift hath his Pattentand Commiffi. on, which he will not give up, till he Ad haveput down all rule, x Con II. then, and not till then will he deliver up his Oeconomical King. 24°25. dom to his Father, when he fhall have put down all rule ; for he ?null reign till he bath put all enemies under his feet. Satan is cat already, his doom is paft upon him, as Adams was -upon his firft fin, but full execution is flayed till the end of the world. The devil knows it, it is an Article in his Creed, which made him trembling ask Chrift why he came to torment him before his time. Firft, this brings ill newes to the wicked. Your Prince cannot vie r, long fit in his throne, finners at prefent have a merry time of it, if it would hold ; they rejoyce, while Chrifts difciples weep and mourne ; they ruffle in their filkes , while the Saint goes in his rags. Princes are not more careful to oblige their Courtiers with penfions and preferme nts, then the devil is togratifie his followers. He bath his rewards alfo ; this will I give thee ; Am not I able to promote thee, faith Balak to 934144M? 0 'cis firange, (and yet not firange, confidering the degeneracy of mansnature) to fee how Satan carries finners af- ter him with this golden hook. Let him but prefent fuch a bait as honour, pelfe or pleafure, and their hearts skipafter it as a dog would at a craft ; he makes them fin Iota morsel of bread: 0 the naughty heart of man loves the wages ofunrighteoufneffe, E c (which