2 >l 0 dikainji the. Rulers of the (which the devil promifeth) fo dearly, that it feares not the dreadful wages %a hich thegreat God threatens. As fometimes you shall fee a Spaniel fo greedy of a bone, that he'll leap into the very river for it, if you throw it thither, and by that time he comes with much ado thither, 'cis funk, and he gets nothing but a nmuth-full of waterfor his pains: Thus finners will after their defined pleasures, honours and profits, fwimming through the very threatenings of the Word to them, and fometimes they Joie even what they gaped for here. Thus God kept Ralaam, (a5. Talak told him) from honour, Numb. 24. it. But however they (peed here, they are lure to lofe themfelves everlaffingly without repentance. They that are refolved they will have thefe things, are the men that fall into thedevils fnare,a.ncl are led in- to thole foolifh and hurtful lofts, which will drown them in deflrudion and perdition, a Tmt. 6. 9. 0 poor finners .1 were it not wifdom before you truck with thedevil, to enquire what title he can give you to thefegoodly vanities ? will he fettle them as a free efface uponyou ? can he*fecure your bargain and keep you from fuits of law ? or is he able to put two lives into the purchafe, that when you die, you may not be left deflitute in another world ? Alas, poor wretches you fhall ere long fee what a cheat he bath put on you, from whom you are like to have nought but Caveat emptor, Let the buyer look to that; yea, this great Prince that is fo brag, to tell what he will give you, mull down himrelf: and a fad Prince muff needs make a fad Court ; 0 what howling will there then be of Satan and his vaffals together 1 0 but,faith the (inner, the pleafures and ho. nours (in and Satan offer are prefent, and that which Chriff promifeth we mull flay for: This indeed is that which takes Dernad, faith Paul, forfook me, having loved this prefent world, 2 Tim. 4. 1 o. 'Tis prefent indeed ((inners,) for you cannot fay it will be yours the next moment ; your prefent feli-. city is going, and the Saints (though future,) is coming never to go ; and who for a gulpe of pottage, and fenfual enjoyments at prefent, would part with a reverfionof fuch a Kingdom ? except thou art of his minde, who thought he had nothing, but what he had fwallowed down his throat. Htc halve) qua edi, qw,eque exatorata -- -,Hareft. which