2 r4 Againfl the Rulers of the for a fong,) the glorious amiable nature of God and his holy wayes, the matchlefre love ofGod in Chrift , the poifonfull nature of fin, and all thefe not by a fudden beam darted into the window at a Sermon, and gone again, like a flafh of lightning, but by an abiding light ; this would fpoile the devils market, and poor creatures would not readily take this toad into their boromes ; fin goes in a dituife, and fo is welcome. Secondly, it is darkneffe, becaufe it brings darkneffe into the foul, and the t naturallyand judicially. Firft Naturally.There is a noxious quality in fin offenfive to the underftanding, which is to the ioule what the eye and palate are to the body ; It difcernes of things, and diftinguifheth true frcm falfe, as the eye white from black : It tryeth words as the mouth tafteth meats. Now as there are fome things' bad for the fight, and others bad for the palate vitiating it, fo that it shall not know fweet from bitter; fo here fin befots the creature, and mi..kes it injudicious, that he who could fee Inch a pradice abfurd and bale in others before, whenonce he bath drunk of this inchanting cup himfelf, (as one that bath fordone his un- derflanding) is mad of it himfelf, not able now to fee the evil of it, or ufe his reafon againft it. Thus Saul before he had de- bauch't his confcience, thinks the Witch worthy of death ; but after he had trodden his confcience hard withother foule fins, goes to ask counfel of onehimfelf. jutiiciagy Again, fin brings darkneffeil~f; fuch have been threat- ened, whole care God bath been trying to open and inftrua, and have run out ofGods fchool into the devils, by rebelling a- efainp light, that they (hall tbithoot knowledge, lob 36. 10, 2. ..VVhat,fhould the candle burtlivaftwhen the creature bath more minde to play then work ? A Thirdly, Sinne runs into darknefre. Impoflors bring in their damnable Herelies privily, like thole who fell bad ware, loath to come to the Market, where the Standard tries all ; but put it off in fecret fo in moral wickedneffe, [inners like beafls go out in the night for their prey, loath to be ken, afraid to comewhere they fhould be found out. Nothing more terrible to finners then light of truth, yob/ 3. 19. becaufe their deeds areevil. Felix was fo netted with what Paulfpake, that he could not fit out the Ser- Mon, bueflings away in hafte, and adjourns the hearing of Paul till