. . . , '. . ...... 216 Agaitift the Rulers of the Cher, the cares and fears of the day fink fo deep, as makes their ref troublefome and unquiet in the night. The wicked bath no peace, but when his confcience fleeps, and that fleeps but broken- ly, awaking oftenwith lick fits of terrour: when he bath mof profperity, he isfeared like a flock of birds in a corn- field at e- very piecegoing off. He eats in fear, and drinks in fear; when al:I-lifted, he expe6ts worfe behinde , and knows not what this cloudmay fpread to and where it may lay him ; whether in hell or not he knowsnot, and therefore trembles (as one in the dark) not knowing but his next ilepmay be into the pit. 5- Fifthly, fin leads to utter darknefFe ; utter darkneffe is darkneffe to the utmoit. Sin in its full height, and wrath in its full heat together; both univerfal, both eternal. Here's tome mixture, peace and trouble, paine and cafe ; fin and thoughts ofrepenting, fin and hopes ofpardon there the,fire of wrath flail burn without (lacking, and fin run parallel vtith torment; hell-birds are no changelings ; their torment makes them fin, and their fin feeds their torment, both unquenchable, one be- ing fuel to another. 2. Secondly, let us fee how it appears, that fuch as are under a fate offin, are under the rule of Satan. Sinner's are calr'd the children of the devil, r /ohm 3. to. and who rules the chide but the Father ? they are flaves; who rules the1lave but the Mailer ? they are the very manfionhoufe of the devil; where bath a man command, but in his own houfe ? I Will go to my houre, Mat. 12. 44. As if the devil had faid, I have walk's among the Saints of God, to and fro, knocking at this door and that, and none will bid me welcome, I can finde no reil ' well. I -knowwhere I may be bold ; I'le even go to my own houfe, and there I am Pure to rule the wile without controul ; and when he ,comet,-be findes itempty, [wept andgarnifbed 5 that is,all ready for his entertainment. Servants make the houfe trim and handfom againf their Mailer come home, efpecially when he brings guefis with him, as here the devil brings fevenmore. Look to the lima, there is nothing he is or hath, but the devil hathdo. minion overit : He rules the *bole man, their mindes blinding them. AU the finner's apprehenlion of things are limped by Satan : he looks on fin with the devils Ipedacles: he reads the Word with the devils comment : he fees nothing in its on. rive ........