darkneffe ofthis World.. tive colours, but is under a continual delufion. Thevery wif, dome of a wicked man is Paid to be devilliA, lames 3. t 5. .1,41/..40preanc, or devil-like, becaufe taught by the devil, and an fuch as thedevils is, wife only to do evil. He commands their Wills, though not to force them, yet effeelually to draw them. His work (faith Chrifl) ye Will do. You are refolved on your way, the devil bath got your hearts, and him you will obey : and therefore when Chriff comes to recoverhis throne,he findes the foule in an uproare, as Ephefiu at Tau's Sermon, crying him down, and Dianaup. We will not have this man reigne over us, what is the Almighty that we fhould ferve him ? Elerules o- ver all their members, they are call'd weapons of tenrighteonfnefs, all at the devils fervice ; as all the armes ofa Kingdome, to de- fend the Prince againft any that (hall invade. The head to plot, the hand to ael, the feet fwift to carry the bodyup and down about his fervice ; He rules over all be bath, Let God come in a poor member, and befeech him to lend him a penny, or bellow a morfel to refrefh his craving bowels; and the co- vetous wretch his hand ofcharity is withered, that he cannot ftretcb it forth ; but let Satan call, and his purfe flies open and heart alfo. Nabal that could not (pare a few fragments for Ta. vid and his followers, this churlecould make afedi like a Prince, to fatiate his own luft of gluttony and drunkenneffe. He corn- sounds their time, when God calls to duty, to pray, to hear, no time all the week to be (pared for that; but if the finner hears there is a merry meeting, a knot of good fellows at the Ale- boufe ; all is thrown afide to wait on his Lord and Mailer; calling left at fix and fevens, yea, wife and children crying, (may be starving) while the wretch is pouring out their very blood, (in wafting their livelihood) at the foot of his lull, The finner is in the bond of iniquity, and being bound he mull obey. He is laid to go after his luft, 41 the fool to the flock!, Prey. 7. 22. The pinion'd malefaelour can affoon untie his own Armes and legs, and fo run from his Keeper, as he fromhis lulls. They are (ervants, and their members inflruments of fin : even as the Workman takes up his axe and it refills not;fo doth Satan difpofe of them, except God faith nay. See here the deplored condition of everyone in a flattof fin. v -Le is under the rule of Satan, and governmentof hell. What F f tongue