darkteffe ofthis World. 219 tick men their beds) though they finde little cafe thereby. Why then fhould deliverance be unwelcome to you,finners ? Deliver- ance brought not by a ftranger whom youneed feare, what his defigne is uponyou; but your near Kinfman in blood, whocan- not mean you ill, but he mid firft hate his own flefh; and who- ever did that ? To be fure not he, who though he took part of HA r 4; our flefh, that he might have the right of being our Redeemer ; '5; yet would have no kindred with us in the finfulneffe of our na-f tore. And 'cis fin that makes us cruel, yea, to our own flab. Hey 4'15' What can you cape& from him but pure mercy, who is himeelf pure ? They are the mercies of the wicked Which are cruel, Be- lieve it (Sirs) Chrift counts it his honour, that he is a King of a willing people, and not of {laves. He comes to make you free, not to bring you into bondage; to make you Kings, not vaffals. None give Chrift an evil word, but thole who never were his fub- leas. Enquire but of thole who have tried both Satans fervice andChrifts ; they are belt able to refolve you what they are. You fee when a foul comes over from Satans quarters untoChrift, and has but once the experience of that fweetneffe which is in his ' fervice there i.! no gettinghimback to his old drudgery, as they fayofthofe, who come out of the North, (which is cold and poor) they like the waxme South fo well, they feldome or never go back more. What more dreadful to a gracious foul then to be delivered into the hands ofSatan ? or fall under the power of his tufts? It would choofe rather to leap into a burning fur- nace then be commanded by them. This is the great requeft a childe of God makes, that he would rather whip him in his houfe, then turne him out of it to become a prey to Satan. 0 sinners, did youknow, (whichyoucannot till you come over t6, Chrift and embrace him as your Lord & Saviour) what the privies ledges ofChrifts fervants are, &what gentle ufage Saints have at Chrifts hands, you would fay ciliate were the only happy men in k the world, which fland continually before him.His !awes are writ,not with his fubjetsblood. (as Satans are)but withhis own. All his commands are ads of grace ; 'cis a favour to be employed about them. Toyou 'tis given to believe, yea, tofailea. Such '1'29° an honour the Saints efteern it to do any thing he commands, that they count God rewards them for one piece of fervice, if he enables them for another, This Ihad, (faith David) becapfe 1 F f z kept