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darkneffe of this World. 221 then are unprofitable, when no place left for repentance, either in Chrifts heart or thine own. Or meaneft thou to apply thy fell to thy old Lord, in whole 1;ervice thou haft undone thy foule, and cry to him, as the to Ahab, Help, 0King : Alas, thine eye (hall fee him in the famecondemnation with thy fell. Hada thou not beat r now renounce the devils rule, while thou mayeft be received into Chrifts Government ? poure out thy tears ani cries now for mercy and grace when they are to be had, thgn to lave them for another world to no purpofe ? But poffibly, thou wilt fay, HoW may 1 that am a home-borne ue fl.ive to fin,yea, who have lived fo many pares under his curledrule,'"- get out ofhis dominion andpoWer,andbe tranfiated into the Kingdom a of Chrifi? The difficulty of this great work lies nor in prevailing with Anfw, GO, to receive thee for his fubje6t, who refufeth none that in truth of heart &lire to come under his fhadow. It loth not Rand with his defigne to reject any fuch. Do Phyficians ufe to chide their Patients away e Lawyers their Clients ? or Generals difcourage thofe who fall offfrom theenemy, and come to their fide ? furely no. When Davidwas in the field,'tis laid, 'Sam.. 22. 2. Every one that was in digrere, in debt, or in difcontent ga. thered themfilves to him, andhe becamea Captainover them. And fo- will Chrift be to every one that is trulydifcontented with Satans Government, and upon an inward diflike thereof repairs to him. But the maine bufineffe will be to take thee off from, thy en- gagements to thy lulls and Satan, till which be done, Chrift not own thee as afubjeft, but look on thee as a Spy. It fares, with (inners as with fervants. There may be fallings out between them and their Mailers, and high words paffe between them, that you would think they would take up their pack and be gone in all hafte : but the fray is foon over, and by next morning all is forgot, and the fervants are as hard at their work as ever. 0 how oft are (inners taking their leave of their tufts, and gi ving warningto their old Meters, theywill repent and reform; and what not e but in a few dayes they have repented of their repentance, anddeformed their reformings, which fhewes they were drunk with fome paffion , when they thought or fpake this; and no wonder they reverie all when theycome to their true temper. Nowbecaufe Satan has many policies, by which, f he r.