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222 Againfi the Rulersof the he ufeth to keep his hold of finners ; I than difcover fome of them, which if thou caaft withfland, it will be no hard matter to bring thee out of his power and rule. Firfl, Satan doth his utmoil, that finners may not have any ferious thoughts of the m ferahle Rate they are in, while under his rule; or heare any thing from others, which might the lieai unfettle their mindes from his fervice. Coniideration (he know es) is the firft flep to repentance : He that doth not con- fider his wakeswhat they are, and whither they lead him,is not like to change them in hafte. *ad itired not, while Mofee came, and had fomedifcourfe with them about their woful fla- very, and the gracious thoights ofGod towards them; and then they begin to defire tobe &re. Pharaoh loon bethought him what conkquence might toilet(' upon this, and cunningly labours toprevent by doubling their task: re are idle, ye are idle, there- foreyefay,Let tu go, anddoPeri** to the Lord. Go therefore and work, Exod. 5.17, 18. As if hehad laid, Have you fo much (pare time to thinkof gadding into the wilderneire, and have you your feditious Conventicles, (Moire/ andyou) to lay your plots together ? I'le break the knot, give them more work, feat- ter them all over the land to gather Draw, that they may not meet to entice one anothers hearts frommy fervice. Thus Sa- tan is very jealous of the firmer, afraid every Chriftian that (peaks to him, or Ordinance he hears fhould inveigle him. By his good -will he ibould comeat neither, no,nor have a thought of heaven or hell from one end of theweek to the other,and that he may have as few as may be, he keeps him full handed with work, The 'inner grindes, and he is filling the hopper, that the Mill maynot nand hill. He is with the (inner as Toone as he wakes, and fills his wretched heart with fome wicked thoughts, which as a morning draught may keep him from the infeftion of any favour ofgood, that may bebreathed on him by others in the day-time. All the day long he watcheth him, as the Mailer woulddo his man, that he feares will runaway. And at night he like a careful Jayler locks him up again in his chamber with more bolts and fetters upon him, not fuffering him to fleep as he lies on his bed, till he loath done (one mifehief. Ah, poor wretch ! was ever have fo look't to ? as long as the devil can keep thee Luke.* thus, thou art his own lure enough. The Prodigal came to him. fife