darkneffe ofthk World. felf, before he came to his Father. He confidered with hialfelf what a flarving condition he was in, his huskes were poor mear, and yet he had not enough of them neither, and how eafily he might mend his commons, if he had but grace to go home and humble himftlf to his Father. Now4nd not till now ha goes Refolve thus poor finner to fit down andconfider what thy irate is, and what it might be, if thou wouldeft but change the bon- dage of Saran for the fweet Government of Jefus ask thy joule, whether the devil can, after thou haft worne out thy miferable life herein his drudg'ry,prefer thee to a happy Rate in the other world, or fo much as Secure thee from a hate of tor- ment and wo? If he cannot, whether there be not one lefas Chrifi, who is able and willing to do it? and if fo, whether it be not bloody cruelty to thy precious foul, to flay any longer un- der the fhadow of this bramble, when thou mayeft make fo blefred a change ? A few of thefe thoughts abidingly laid home to thy foule, (may God ftriking in with them) (brake the foun- dations of the devils prifon, and make thee hafte as faft from him, as one out of a houfe on fire about his eares. 21y.Satan hath hit inftruments to oppofe the meffengers and o- vertures, whichGod fends by them to bring the (inner out of Satans rule. When Mores comes to deliver Ifrael out of the Egyptian bondage, up (tart /aame/ and lansbres to refill him. When Paul preacheth to the Deputy, the devil hath his Chaplain at Court to hinder him : ii,./ymaa, one that was fall orallfubtiliy and mifchief. Some or other (co be fore) he will firide, when God is partying with a finner, andpertwading him tocome over to Chrift, that (hall labour to clog the work. Either carnal friends, thefe he fends to plead his caule, or old companions in wickedneffe, thefe beflir them, one while labouring to jeer him out of his new way, or if that take not, by turning their old love into bitter wrath againft him for playing the Apoftate, and leaving him fo. Or if yet he will not be ftopt in his way, then he hath his daubing Preachers,(Itill like lobs meffengers.the WI the wolf) whowith their foul-flattering, or rather murder- ing doctrine (hall go about to heal his wound slightly. Now as, ever you define to get out ofSatans bondage, have a care of all thefe, harden thy felfagainft the entreatiesof carnal friendsand relations. Rgfolve, that ifthy children fhould hang about thy knees