darknegeof this World.. 22 pent; the Imperative bath no future tenfe. God faith, To day, while it is to day : The devil faithTomorrow ; which wilt thou obey, God or him ? Thou fayeft, thou meaneft at laft to do it, then why not now ? Wilt thou ftand with God for a day or two, buckle with him for a penny ? Heaven is not fuch a hard pennyworth,but thou mayeft come up to his termes : And which is the morrow thou meaneft ? thou haft but a day in thy life for ought thou knoweft, where then cant} thou find a morrow for repentance ? but should eft thou have as many dayes to come as c-Methofelah lived, yet know fin is hereditary, and fuch fort of difeafes growmore upon us with our years. 'Tis with long accustomed finners, as with thofe who have fate long under a Government, they rather like to be as they are, (though but ill on it) then think of a change, or like thofe who in a journey have gone out of their way all the day, will rather take any new way, over hedge andditch, then think ofgoing fo far back to be fet right. Fourthly, Satan labours to comprirnife the buiinefl'e, and bring it to a compofition between him and Chrift : when confcience will not be pacified, then Satan for quiets fake will yield to fome- thing, as Pharaohwith Mofei : after much ado he is willing they should go, exod. 8. 2 8. And Pharaoh [aid, I will let yougo, that you may facrifice to the Lord your God in the Wildernege. But then comes in hiscaution, only you fh tll not go very farce Thus Satan will yield the (inner may pray, and heare the Word, and make a goodly Profeffion, fo he doth not go very far, but that he may have him again at night. If God bath the mattins, he looks for the vigils, and thus he is content the day shouldbe divided. Doth confcience prefie a reformation and change of the finners courfe, rather then faile, he'll grant that alfo : yet as Pharaoh when he yielded they should go,!'he meant their little onesfbould flay behinde 4J a pledgefor thole that Went,Exodao .1 r. SoSatan mull have Tomeone fin that muff be fpared, and no matter though it be a little one. Now if ever you would get out of the devils rule, make no compofinon with him. Chrift will be King or no King. Not a hoofe mull be left behinde, or any thingwhich may make an errand for thee afterwards to re- turn. Take therefore thyeverlafting farewel ofevery fin, as to Gg the