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Againfi the Rulers of the the fincere and fixt purpofe of thy heart, or thou doeft no- thing. Paul joyneshis faith and his purpofe together, 2Tim. 3. IQ. not the one without the other. At the promulgation of the Law in Sinai, God did, as it were, give etrae/ the oath of Allegiance to him ; then he told them chat law he would rule themby, and they gave their confent : this was the efpotofal which God puts them in minde of, Jerem. a. in which they were folemnly married together, as King and fubjeets. Now mark, before God would do this, he will have them out of E- gypt. They could not obey his laves, and Pharaoh's idolatrous cuftomes alfo, and therefore hewill have them out, before he folemnly efpoufeth them to be a Nation peculiarly his. Thou mutt be a widow beforeChrift merry thee, he will not lie by the fide ofanothers wife. 0 that it were come to this I then the match would loon be made between Chrift and thee. Let me ask thee, poor foul, haft thou ferioufly conridered who Chrift is, andwhat his fweet Government is and couldeft thou finde in thy heart (jut ofan inward ahhora ency of fin and Satan,and a liking to Chrift) to renounce fin and Satan, and choofe Chrift for thy Lord ? Doth thy foule fay as Rebecca, I will go, if I could tell how to get to him. But alas, I am here a poore prifoner, I cannot (hake off my fetters, and let my fell at liber- ty to come unto Chrift. Well, poor foul, can't thou groan heartily under thy bondage ? then for the comfort know, thy deliverance is at the door ; he that heard the cry of Irraelin Egypt, will hear thine alfo, yea, come and fave thee out of the hands of thy lufls. He wil! not,as fame, whoentangle thy af- feetions,by making love to thee, and then give over the fuit,and come at thee no more. IlChrift has won thy heart, he'll be true to thee, and be at all the colt to bring thee out of thy pri- fon -houfe alfo; yea, take the paines to come for thee hirnielfe, and bring with him thefe wedding-garments in which he will carry thee from thy prifon tohi Fathers houfe with joy, where thou (halt live not only as a fubjeet under his Law, but as a Bride in the hofome of his love, and what can be added to thy happi- neffe more ? when thy Prince is thy husband, and that fuch a Prince to whom all other are vaifals , even the Prince of the world himfelf ; and yet fo gracious, that his Majefty hinders not his familiar converfe with thee a poor creature, but addes to the,