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darkneffe of this World. 221 the condefcent thereof, thereforeGod choofeth to min names ofgreatneffe and relation together ; the one to fweeten the o - ther : Thy Maker is thy husband, thy Redeemer the Holy One o Ifrael. the god of the Whole earth fhaa he be called, Ifa. 54. 5' And to ufher in thofe promifes with titles ofgreateft dread and terrour to the creature, that hold forth the greateft condefcenfi- ons of love ; Howcan God ftoop lower then tocome and dwell with a poor humble foule? which is more, then if he had laid fuch a one fhould dwell with him ; for a beggar to live at Court is not fo much as the King to dwell with him in this cottage. Yet this promife is uller'd in with the moil magnificent titles ; Thu faith the high and lofty one , that inhabit.' eternity, Whole Name it holy, Idwell in the high and holy place, With him alfo that is of a contrite andhumble fpirlt, Ifa. 57. ;5. and why fuch ti- tles ? but to take away the feares, which his Saints are prone to take up from them. Will the high and lofty One, (faith the humble foule) look on me a poor worme ? will the Holy God come near fuch an unclean creature, (faith the contrite one ?) Ifaiah himfelf cried he was undone at the fight ofGod, and this attribute proclaimed before him, Ifa, 6. Now God prefixeth thefe, that the creature may know his Majefly and holineffe, which feems fo terrible to us, are no prejudice tohis love ; yea, fo gracious a Prince is thy husband, that he delights rather his Saints fhould call him by names of love, then Bate. Thou j7ialt call me Ifni, and !halt no more call me 73aali, Hof. 2.16. that is, my Husband, not my Lord. SECT. IV. The fecond point follows. Ignorance above other fins enflaves a foule to Satan, a knowing man may be his flave, but hock. 2. an ignorant one can be no other. Knowledge doth not make the heart good, but it is impoflible that without knowledge it fhould be good. There are force fins which an ignorant perfon cannot commit, thereare more which he cannot but commit Knowledge is the Key, Luke ri. 52. Chrift the door, john ;5. Chrift opens Heaven, Knowledge opens Chrift. In three particulars the Point will appear more fully. G g 2 Firfl,