2z8 Againfl the Rulers of the t. 2° Firft, ignorance opens a doore for finne to enter. Secondly, as ignorance lets fin in, fo it locks it up in the foule, and the foule in it. Thirdly, as it locks it up, fo it fhuts all meanes of helpout. Firft, Ignorance opens the door for Satan to enter in with his troops of lulls ; where the watch is blinde, the City is loon taken : an ignorant man fins, and like drunken Lot he knowes not when the tempter comes, nor when he goes : he is ike a man that walks in his fleep, knowes not where he is, nor what he does. Father, forgive them, (laid Chrift) they know not what they do. The Apolile, i Cor. 15. having reproved the fen- fuality ofTome, verfe 32. who made the confideration of death, by which others are awed from finne, a provocative to finne, Let us eat and drinkfor tomorrow te.fhall die, he gives an account of this abfurd reafoning ; e4ll have not the knowledge of God. An ignorant perfon is a man in fhape,and a beaft in heart. There is no knowledge in the land, faith the Prophet, Hofea 4. 2. and fee what a regiment followes this blinde Captain, fwening, lying, killing, Healing, and what not ? We reade, 2 Tim.3.7, of fome /ado; withfns ; here are trees full of bitter fruit, and what dung (hall we finde at the root, that makes them fo'fruit., full but ignorance ? filly women, and fuch who never come to the knowledge of the truth. Secondly, ignorance as it lets fin in, fo it locks it up, and the foule in it, fuch a one lies in Satans inner dungeon, where no light of convidion comes, dark neffe inclines to fleep, a blinde minde and a drowfie confciencestogether. When:the florme arofe, the mariners who we 'e 14-17 fell a praying to their God; but the fleeper feares nothing. Ignorance ayes the foule afieep under the hatches offlupiclity. God bath planted in the beafl a natural feare of that which threatens hurt to it. Go to dirt& a bean. into a pit, and it hangs back, nature fhewes its abhorrency. Man being of a nobler nature, and fubjeet to more dangers, God bath let a double guard on him, as a natural feare ofdanger, fo a natural flame that covers the face at the doing of anyunworthy salon. Now an ignorant man bath flipt from both thefe his Keepers : he fins and blufheth not, becaufe he knowes not his guilt: he wants that Magiffrate within, which fhould put him to flame; neither is he afraid, becaufe be knowes not his danger; and