230 Again.ft the Rulersof the chaincs ofdarkneffe be knockt off their mit:des, there is no pof- fibility of getting them out of the devils prifon ; he bath no fuch tame slave as the ignorant foul: fuch a one goes before Satan (as the filly fheep before the butcher) and knows not who he is, nor whither he carries him; and can you fee the devil driving your children to the fhambles and not labour to refcue them out of his hands ? Bloody parents you are that can thus harden your bowells againfl your own flefh. Now the more to provoke you to your duty, take thefe confidera- tions. T.Your relation obligeth you to take care of their precious ' foules. 'Tis the foul is the child rather then the body and there fore in Scripture put for the whole man. Abraham and Lot went forth with all the fob they hadswan i>u Harare, Gen. r 2. fo All the fouls that came Ivitlo Jacob into Egypt, that is,all the perfons. The body is but the (heath; and ifone fhould leave his fword with you to be kept fafely for him , would you throw away the blade , and onclypreferve the fcabbard ? And yet parents do commonly judge of their care and love to their children by their providing for the outward man,by their breed- ing, that teaching them how to live like men (as they fay) when they are dead and gone, and comport themfelves to their civil place and rank in the world, Thefe things in- +deed are commendable, but is not the moll weighty bufineffe of all forgotten in the meane time, while no endeavour is u- fed that they may live as Chriflians, and know how to carry themfelves induty to God and man as fuch?and can they do this without the knowledgeof the holy rule they are to walk by?I am lure David knew no means effectual without this, and therefore propounds the queftion,wheemithat (hall ayoung man cleanfe his ray ? and he refolves it in the next words, Ty taking heed thereto according to tby Word, Pfal.119.9. And how lhall they compare their way and the Word together, if not infiruaed our children are not borne with Bibles in their heads or hearts. And who ()tight to be the inftruder if not the parent ? yea,who will do it with fuch natural affeftion ? As I have heard fomet imes a mother fay in other refpetis Who can take fuch pains with my childe and be fo careful as my felfthat am its Mother ? Bloody parents then they are whoacquaint not their children