darknejje ofthis World. 2 31 children with God or his Word ; what do they but put them under a neceflity of perifhing if God flirre not up fome to thew more mercy then themfelves to them. Is is any wonder to hear that fhip to be funk, or dafht upon the rock, which was put to fea without card or compaffe ? no more is it, they fhould in- gulph themfelves in fin and perdition, that are thruft forth into the world (which is a fea of temptation) without the knowledge ofGod or their duty to him. In the fear of God think of it pa- rents : your children have fouls, and thefe God bet you to watchover; It will be a poor account at the laff day, if you can oni fay, Lord,here are my children.1 bred them compleat Gen- tlemen, left them rich and wealthy. The ruff of that filver you left them will witneffe your folly and finne, that you would do: fo much for that which roils, and nothing for the enriching their rnindes with the knowledge of God, which would have endured for ever; happy if you had left them leffe money and more knowledge. 2. Confider it bath ever been the Saints praftice to inftru& and teach their children the way of God, David we finde dropping inftruaion into his fonne Solomon , i Chron. 28. q. Know thou the God of thy Father, and ferve him with a perfeEl heart, and with 4Willing mink. Though a King, he did not put it off to his Chaplins, but whetted it on himwith his own lips. Neither was his Qieen Bal.i)Z-b.i forgetful of her duty , her gracious counfel is upon record, Proy. 34. and that fhe mly do it with the more ferioufneffe and folemnity, we finde her flirrng up her motherly bowels, to let her bonne fee, that fhe fetcht her words deep,even from her heart. what my fon! and what the fonne ofmy worn; ! an4 what theforme of my LOW ? Ver. 2. Indeed that counfel is rnoft like to go to the heart which comes from thence. Parents know not what impreffion fuck melting expreffionsof their love mingled with their inftruftions leave on their children. God bids draw orth ourfouls to the bun ffry , !hat is more then draw our purfe , which may be done,- f,he';',Iitart hard and churlifh, Thus we should draw forth o `41s with our inftruetions. What need I tell of Timothy's MOther and Grandmother who acquainted him with the Scri- pture from his youth? And truly I think, that man calls in queftion his own Saintfhips that takes no care to acquaint his childe