232 digainfl the Ruleri of the childe with God, and thew ay that leads to him. I have known fome that though prophase thernfelves,have been very folieitnus, their children fhould have good education ; but never knew I a Saint that was regardleffe whether his childe knewGod or not. 3, It is an aft ofgreat unrighteoufneffe not t) infirua our children. We read of fome that hold the truth in unrighte 'lege a among others thofe Parents do it, that lock up the know- ledge of chef e faving truths from their children, which God bath imparted to themklves.There is a double unrighteoufneffe i Firft they are unrighteous to their children, who may lay as much claime to their care of infiruffing them, as to their labour and induffry in laying up a temporal efface for them. If he fhould do unrighteoufly with his childe, that fhould not endeavour to provide for his outward maintenance, or having gathered an efface fhould lock it up, and deny his childe neceffaries , then much more he that lives in ignorance of God , whereby he renders himfelf incapable of providing for his childes foul ; but moll of all, he that having gatheed a flock ofknowledge yet hides it from his childe. Secondly, they are unrighteous to God. Firft, in that they keep that talent in their own hands which was given to be paid out to their children. When God re- veal'd himfelf to Abraham, he had refpeci to Abraham's children, and therefore we finae God promifing himfelf this at Abraham's hands , upon vihich he imparts his minde to him concerning his purpofe ofdeftroying Sodom ; Shall 1 !hide from Abraham (faith God) that thing Which Ido? 1 know that he trill command hie children, andhit haufhold after him, and they fhall keep the Way of the Lord, Gem t S. 17,19. The Church began at firft in a fa,, raily, and was preferv'd by the godly care of Parents in in- firutiing their children and houfhold in the truths of God. whereby the knowledge of Godwas tranfmitted from genera- tion to generation ; and though now the-Church it,,g2t,. con ned to fuch ffrait limits , yet every private family a little nurfery to the Church; if the nurfery be notc arehilly planted, the Orchard will foot decay. 0 could you be wil- ling, Chriftians, that your children when you are laid in the duff, tbould be turn'd into the degenerate plant of a ftrange vine; and