dart neffe ofthis World.. 233 and prove a generation that do not knowGod? Atheifme needs not be planted, you do enough to make your children hid, if you do not endeavour to plant Religion in their [tinkles. The very neglea of the Gardner to fovve and dreffe his garden, gives advantage enough to the weeds to come up. This is the difference between Religion and A theifme,Religion doth not growwithout planting, but will die even where it is planted without watering. Atheilme, irreligion, and profaneneffe are weeds will growwithout letting, but they will not die with- out plucking up, all care and means little enough to flub them up. And thereforeyou that are Parents, and do not teach your children, Beale the more unrighteoufly with God, becaufe you negledl the bell feafon in their whole life for planting in them theknowledge of God, and plucking up the contrary weeds of atheifme and irreligion. Young weeds come up with molt cafe, limple ignorance in youth becomes wilful ignorance, yea, impudence in age, you will not inflrua them when young, and they will korne their Minillers .-41a434147when they are old. Secondly, you deale unrighteouflywith God, that traine not upyour children in the knowledge of God, becaufe your chil- dren, ifyou be Chriflian Parents are Gods children ; they fand in a federal relation to him, which the children of others do not ; and 14111 Gods children be nurturedwith the devils edu- cation ? Ignorance is that which he blinder themindes of the childrenof difobediencewithal. Shall Godschildren have no better breeding ? The children of a Jew, God made account Were borne to him ; 7h) fens and daughters Whom thou hag borne tome, Ezek. 16.20. God had by the Coveriant'vvhich he made with that people , married them unto himfelf, and therefore as the wife bears her children to her husband, ( they are his children) fo God calls the children of-the Jews his, and complains of it as an horrible wickedneffe in them, that they fhould nor bring them up as his: but offer them up to Molech, They lave_pinmy children, faithGod) V. 21. And are not the children of a Chriflian his children as well as the Jewes were ? path God recall'd or altered the firfl Covenant, and cut off the entaik ; and darefl thou flay not only thy children, but the Lords alfo? and is not ignorance that bloody knife that cloth it ? h My