darkneffe of this World.. 23 in Gods black bell ; he puts this cover before their eyes in wra th, whom he means to mine off into hell, 2 Cor. 4. If our Goffiel bid, it is /o thole that per:A. In one place finners are threatened, ate, [hag die without knowledge ; in another place, they 'hall die Job in their finnes, John 8, He indeed that dies without knowledge, dies in his finnes : and what more fearful doome can the great God pate upon a-creature then this ? better die in a prilon, die in a ditch then die inones finnes. It thou die in thy finnes, thou (halt rife in thy finnes : as thou falleft afleep inehe duff, fo thou awaluft in the morning of the refurreaion; if an ignorant Chriftleffe wretch, as Inch, thouChair be araigned and judged. That God whom now finners bid depart from them, will then be worth their acquaintance (themielves being Judges;) but alasl then he will throw their own words in their teeth, and bid them depart from him, he clefiresnot the knowledge of them. 0 fin- : ners you fhall fee at laft, God canbarer b1.-=- without your corn- pany in heaven, then you could without his knowledgeon earth: Yet, yet 'tis day, draw your curtains, and behold Chrift fhining upoh your face with Golpel-light; hear wifdome crying in the ftreets, and Chrift pipingunder your window in the voice of his Spii it and Meffengers, How long will ye Pimple ones love fimpli- Pr°V.I'21, city, and fool' bate ITottledge? 7urne- you at my reproof; behold, 122'23* will pour out my. Spirit unto you, and make known my midi unto you. What can you fay (finners)for your fottifh ignorance ? Where is your cloak for this finne ? the time bath been when the Word of the Lord was precious, and there was no open vifi- on, not a Bible to be found in town or Countrey ; when the tree of knowledge was forbidden fruit, and none might taftee thereof without licence from the' Pope ; happy he that could get a leaf or two of the Teftament into a corner, afraid to tell: the wife of his bofome. 0 how Tweet were theewaters, when, they were forced to (teal them ? but you'have the Word , or mayjin your houfes ; you have thole that open them everySab- bath in your Affcmblies, many of you at leaft have the offers of- your Minifters to take anypaines withyou in private, pa frionate- lybefeeching you to pitie your fouls, and receive inft dtion yea, 'tis the lamentation they generally take up, you wilinot come unto them that you mayreceive-light. How long may a poor Minifter fit in his Rudy, before any of the ignorant fort will come::