24° Againfi the Ruler" of the come upon fuch an errand ? Lawyers have their Clients, and Phyficians their Patients thefe are fought after, and call'd up at midnight for counfel : but alas ! the foule, which 'is more worth then raiment and body too, that is negletied , and the ,Minifter feldom thought on, till both thefe be fent away. Per- haps when the Phyfician gives them over for dead, then we mutt come and clofe up thofe eyes with comfort, which were never opened to fee Chrift in his truth, or be counted cruel, be caufe we will not fprinkle themwith this holy water, and anoint them for the Kingdome of Heaven, though they know not, a Repof the way which leads to it. Ah, poor wretches ! what comfort would you have us (peak to thofe, to whomGod him- fell (peaks terrour ? Is heaven ours to give to whom we pleafe ? or is it in our power to alter the lawes of the moil High, and five thole whom he condemns ? Do you not remember the curie that is to fall upon his head, that maketh the blonde to wander cut of the way ? Deut.27. t S. what curie then would be our portion, if we fhould confirm fuch blinde bottles, that are quite out of the way to heaven, encouraging you to go on and exped to reach heaven at kafl, when God knows your feet fland in thole paths that lead to eternal death ? No, 'cis writ- ten, we cannot, and God will not reverie it ; you may reade your very names among thole damned bottles which Chrifl comes in flaming fire to take vengeance on, who the Apollle tells us are loch, that know not God, and obey not the Gofpel of our Lord jeliu Chriff, chef. I. a, And therefore in the feare of God, let this provoke you, of what age or fexe, rank or condition foever in the world, to labour for the laving knowledge of God in Chriflibon to knout is iternal,Are you young ? Enquire after God betimes, while your parts are freCh,and memory thong, be- fore the throng ofworldly cares diverr you, or lulls of youth debauch you. ene feet of thole lulls which have buried milli- onsof others in perdition, fland ready to carry you the fame way, if preventing grace come not and deliver you out of their hands, by feafoning your mindes with the knowledge of God. This morning draught may prevent thy being infefted with the ill favours thou mayeft receive from the corrupt examples of o- Ihers. Nay, flow long thy flay may be in the world,thou know- .eft not, fee whether thou canft not finde graves of thy length in the